Chapter 2

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Teri's POV

*bzzzzzz bzzzzz bzzzzzzz*
My phone was buzzing on my kitchen counter. It was around noon. I went to my phone and saw that Sherri was calling.
"Good afternoon, sweets! How are you?"

"Sherri? Are you there...?"
I heard sniffling on the other end. She was crying.
"Sherri what's wrong are you ok??"
"No you're not what's wrong? Talk to me Sher."
"Kamar...he's just...he's being an ass."

I sighed. This wasn't the first time she had called me with this problem. I couldn't believe how often a man could treat her like this. She's worth a lot more than what she gets. She deserves better.

"Is he with you?" I asked. I wanted to go over and help, but not if he was there.
"No. He left. Didn't even give me a kiss goodbye."
"Well, I can-"
"Come over." She said.
"Ok, I'll be over in 15 minutes. Hang in there ok?"
And with that, she hung up.
I pulled up at Sherri's house. The door was open, as it was a really nice day out. I started to head inside and immediately heard her crying from the living room. I dropped my purse, closed the door, and walked to the living room.

"Hey" she spoke in between sniffs
"Oh Sher..." I said hugging her. She hugged back and put her head on my shoulder. I could feel it getting wet from her tears, but I didn't care. I loved this woman. I wanted nothing but happiness for her, and seeing her like this just killed me.
"Shhhh, it's okay" I reassured her

"He went out with the guys. He always does that when we have a fight. It's always the same excuse to get away from me. What if he's...what if there's...another girl?"
I broke the hug.
"Sherri," I said "You have to trust him. Do you trust him?"
"I guess, but I-"
"Then trust him. If not, ask him about it."
"Maybe I will." She said
We stared into each other's eyes. I could tell what she was thinking. We were such good friends that I knew exactly what she was saying in her head. 'I just want to be happy. Help me do that.'
And in that moment, I put my arms around her waist and pulled her in closer, our eyes still locked on each other. I leaned in and stared at her big beautiful lips. She didn't seem to resist. I got closer and closer and I finally felt our lips touch. It was a beautiful moment, until I realized what I was doing. I pulled away.
"Sorry...sorry." I said.
I turned around quickly and headed for the door to leave because I was so embarrassed. I felt Sherri's hand grab my wrist. She turned me around fast and planted her lips on mine.
"Wait" I said in between kisses, not wanting to stop. "we can't..."
I broke away
"Sorry." Sherri said "I thought you wanted to."
"Trust me, love, I do, but Kamar. Even if you guys are in a fight...I don't do cheating and I certainly don't want to break up a marriage."
"I know, I know. But atleast stay."
"Ok, I guess I could do that." I said smirking. "The kids are at their dad's houses. What do you say we go to lunch? On me!"
"I say, that sounds perfect. Let me just grab my purse." Sherri said. She went upstairs, and I watched her, thinking about what just happened. We kissed. And to be honest, it was the best kiss I've ever had...even if it was short. And now, we had to go on like it never happened. I wish she knew how much I loved her...

AN: thanks for reading! Let me know what you think. Next chapter to come soon!

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