Chapter 6

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Sherri's POV

The birds were chirping outside and the sun was coming in through the window. I woke up to the light and looked up at the woman I love. My head was on her chest and her arms wrapped around me. I gave her a kiss on the forehead and she started to wake up.

"Good morning beautiful." I said to her "Sorry about my morning voice." I laughed

"I love it." She said waking up and kissing me on the top of the head.

I started to kiss her on the lips but she quickly pulled away.
"Uh-uh, morning breath. Not gonna happen."
"Oh come on." I begged, "Pwwweeeeease...???" I stuck my bottom lip out and I knew she couldn't resist.
"It's a good thing you're beautiful." She said leaning in to kiss me.

We sat there in my bed kissing and cuddling for a little while.

"What time is it?" She asked

"Nine o'clock. How about some breakfast? How do pancakes sound?"

"Delicious my love." Teri kissed my forehead. "Do you mind if I grab a quick shower?"

"Not at all." I said. "There are some clean towels in the drawer over there, help yourself. Breakfast should be ready in about twenty minutes."

"I'll be down as soon as I can. Don't miss me too much!" Teri winked at me. I laughed and gave her a quick peck on the lips.
I headed downstairs and she headed to the bathroom next to me bedroom.

'This is the life I want to live. Me and Teri and that's all that would matter.'
I thought as I walked down the stairs.

"Oooohhhh I smell something good!!"
I heard Teri's voice coming down the stairs.

"Pancakes! Get 'em while they're hot!" I joked
"You're so cute." She said
"I know." I winked at her and she smiled at me.
I gave her a plate and served her two pancakes.
"Would you like syrup?" I asked
"Yes, please!" She replied.

I got her the syrup and she poured it on her pancakes. I got two cups and poured the both of us some coffee.
We sat in silence eating our breakfast for about two minutes.

"So, last night...." Started Teri
"I know." I said, "We need to talk about what happened."
"And what to do about it." She said

"Well, the only thing standing in our way is Kamar, and I guess I could-"

"No. I'm not breaking up a marriage, Sherri. I love you and I want to be with you, but I can't do that. I just can't."

"I know." I replied. "So what are we going to do...? What happened last night was no casualty. It was real, Teri. It was me and you. It was true love."

"It was, you're right." Replied Teri. " you really want to go on like this? Hiding us from Kamar? Because, I don't. But I can't do that to you guys."

"What are you saying?" I asked

"I'm saying that you need to figure this out, because if you don't then we can't go on like this."

"Me?! I need to figure this out?!" I was so mad. It was like she was blaming me for this. "I don't know if you think you were dreaming, but you weren't. I didn't make love to myself, you know. We made love to each other, Teri. This isn't something we can just forget, and I refuse to try to figure this out on my own. I thought we were in this together."

"We are, love, we are." She tried to reassure me but it wasn't working. "But," she continued, "he's your husband not mine. And I'm most certainly not in a position to say 'Hey Kamar! I had sex with your wife she's mine now!'. I'm sorry, but that's on you. Besides, he already gets bad vibes from me."

"Teri...I can't believe you. You're not even willing to help me here! God, I thought I loved you. Maybe I was wrong."
"Sherri, stop. You know that's not true, and I-"
"No Teri. I don't even know what's true and what's not right now. Maybe you should just leave."
"We have to figure this out sometime Sherri!"
"Well that's not going to be right now! You need to pick up your kids, and Kamar should be getting home soon, so just go."
"Fine. We'll talk later I guess...bye Sherri."

Teri sighed and left with a slam of the door. I sat at the kitchen table and just cried. I cried because I knew I messed up. I cried because I knew I loved her. I cried because I let her leave. I cried because of Kamar. I cried because I didn't know what to do. I cried because I was lost, and the only person that could find me again was Teri. I cried because Teri was gone...maybe for good. I cried until I heard a car door. There was Kamar.

AN: Thanks for reading! Sorry I had them get in a fight I hate them fighting too:( but, I can promise a solution😉
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