Chapter 10

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Sherri and Teri woke up to a knock on Sherri's front door.

"Expecting someone?" Teri asked the woman lying next to her in bed.

"N-no. I don't think so."

The knock came again and Teri got out of bed, put on a sweatshirt and went downstairs.
"Stay here." She said to Sherri. When she got downstairs, she opened the door and there was Kamar.
Teri sighed heavily.

"Are you cooled down?" She asked sarcastically
"Yes." He said. "I just want to talk to Sherri. I figured out what's going on, and you standing here now just proves my theory even further."

"What are you talking about?" Asked Teri. She hoped that he hadn't figured out about her and Sherri, but on the inside she knew that that was exactly what was about to come out of his mouth.

"You and Sherri.... I'm not stupid, Teri. You guys are like...together."

".....what? What are you talking about why would you think that? We're friends and we work together, we're not-"
"Yes you are." Kamar interrupted.

Teri didn't know what to do. She wanted to protect their relationship at all costs. She wanted to protect Sherri.

Kamar continued, "And you denying it is not helping you guys at all. You both want this divorce. I didn't, but now I do because she's cheating. Where is she I want to talk to her."

"But Kamar, you need to understand that there's nothing going on."

Suddenly, Sherri appeared from around the corner.
"Yes there is."
"Sherri..." Said Teri, like she was warning her.
"No Teri, he knows." She looked at Kamar. "I love Teri," she said "and nothing's going to change that. Let's get this divorce now that we both want to."

Teri smiled.
"And I love Sherri." Teri took her loves hand and they kissed.

Kamar rolled his eyes. "Sherri, we will get this divorce, but I can't believe you cheated...and lied...why didn't you just tell me the real reason you wanted this divorce?"

"Seriously Kamar?? I know about your little secret too."

"What secret...?" Asked Kamar.

"The little blonde one sitting in your car."
Sherri and Teri looked out the window and into Kamar's car. In the front seat was a blonde woman playing with the radio stations.

"Playing the good guy, aren't ya?" Teri said to Kamar.
"Clearly this marriage was never meant to be." Said Sherri. "Get out Kamar, and do me a favor and don't come back."

"Gladly. See you two lovers in court." He laughed to himself and left. When he got in his car, he kissed the girl in his passenger seat. This made Sherri cringe.

"Now I know how he feels I guess." She said, tearing up.
"It's ok love. You're both going to get through this."
The two woman embraced and both of them shed some tears.

"So how'd you know about his little...side hoe?" Asked Teri, disgusted.

Sherri laughed. "He's always leaving for long periods of time. He's always 'stuck in traffic' or 'held up at work.' So when I came down here, I looked out the window and there she was in his car. We used to be friends, you know, me and that girl. I guess that's how they met."

"You're a detective now, huh?" Teri said smiling. "I'm sorry, Sherri, that you had to go through this. I'm sorry that I wasn't there for you in the past when Kamar acted like he did a couple of nights ago."

"Don't be sorry. I love you, and now I can be with you. That's all that matters, right? And like you say-"
"Everything happens for a reason." They both said at the same time.

"I told you!!" Said Teri, teasingly.
"Yeah, yeah." Sherri replied laughing.

"Well," said Teri, "what do you say we grab some breakfast? Have you been to the new diner down the street yet?"

"No, I haven't." Replied Sherri.
"Well how about it?"
"Sounds lovely. I'll drive."

On the way to the diner, Teri was in the passengers seat when she got at text from Adam:

"So I'm guessing things are going well, seeing as your car hasn't been in your driveway for at least two days...?"

Teri laughed to herself. She replied:

"Yeah, things are going awesome, Adam. I got her. The girl of my dreams. She's getting a divorce with Kamar, which I guess I shouldn't be too happy about, but I love her. I really do."

His reply said:
"Glad to hear it. And I'm glad you're happy, Teri."

She replied:
"I am. Thanks again, Adam. For everything. I owe you one, bud. But now, we've set out for a breakfast date. I'll talk to you later!"

He smiled when he got this message, and typed back:

"You don't owe me anything Teri. You've already returned all my favors just by always having my back. Tell Sherri I say hi. Have a good time!"

"Who's that?" Asked Sherri, who was driving.

"It's Adam, you remember him right? He says hi."

"Of course I remember him he's the sweetest guy! Tell him hi."

"I will." Said Teri, doing just that.

When they arrived at the diner they were seated right away. Teri ordered a Belgian waffle with fruit and whipped cream. Sherri got 2 chocolate chip pancakes.
They had great conversations over breakfast about the show, about Teri's kids, and much more.
When they got back to Sherri's house, she had a text from Kamar.

It read:
"I set up a court date. I'll send you details later."

Sherri replied with a simple: "Ok."

"It's Kamar isn't it?" Asked Teri. "I can tell by the way your eyes rolled into the back of your head reading it." She teased.

"Yup. He set up a court date."
"That fast? Wow. Well, it looks like we're closer and closer to being able to be open about this."
"And I couldn't be happier." Replied Sherri, kissing Teri on the cheek.

Teri could tell that Sherri was sad about the divorce, but she knew that they loved each other and would get through it together.

"And also," continued Sherri "I wanted to ask you something."

"What's up, babe?"

"Um...I think you you want to, um-"

"You can ask me anything, Sher." Said Teri, reassuringly. "What's on your mind?"

"You should...." Sherri was still having trouble getting her words out, but finally she just went for it.

"Do you want to move in...?"

AN: Thanks for reading! As always, comment and vote:) One or two more chapters to go. I'm think of starting a one shot series of Stef and Lena or just another story about Stef and Lena this time. Let me know what you think in the comments and stay tuned;)

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