Chapter 27 Home Invasion?

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June 29, 2020
Alexa's Orlando Home
Orlando, Florida

From the previous chapter
Vade follows Alexa into her home and lo and behold...

???: Fancy seeing your face here around OUR house, eh Lexi?

Vade knew the sound of that smug voice. It was none other than Alexa's ex boyfriend, singer Ryan Cabrera. Alexa stood there by the entrance as Ryan was seated by the sofa.

Alexa: Ryan, what are you doing here? I said we're through!

Ryan: Babe, come on. You haven't been thinking straight just because you have that manipulative weasel beside you stealing you from me. He's not worth it babe. At least I don't hurt myself just to be liked by you.

Vade: You're the weasel yo...

Ryan: Shut up! This does not concern you! In fact...

Alexa: I have and you only saying I'm yours just because you make me laugh is not enough!

Ryan: Is that so? So me letting you in those concerts and my gigs are not my good deeds? 

Alexa: Well..they are...but...'

Ryan: See, I do more than make you laugh but I give you what you want. Much more than *points arrogantly at Vade* this beggar reject punk can ever do!

Vade: We went to Disneyworld

Ryan: Oh, just today? Lexi what an idiot you got beside you. Remember how you got those passes? I helped you so how dare you use it to let that ...that freeloading leech take advantage of me! He's teaching you how to mooch off!

Vade: You're the moocher!

Ryan: Shut up! Lexi, come on. You have the nerve to bring in this...this outsider to OUR home?

Alexa: Ryan, we're through! What don't you get?

Ryan: Alexa, please....I've changed. Me coming here is to make things right. Don't you want to give me a chance? 

Vade: A chance to once again mooch off her and treat her like an ornament to make yourself feel and look better? 

Alexa: Pat, please!

Vade was shocked as Ryan had a smug smile on his face.

Ryan: I knew it! The band is back together...

Alexa: That doesn't mean you're off the hook either. 

Ryan: considered returning to me just now! You wanna be back with me *raises his voice at Vade* Someone who will make her feel SECURE, SAFE, WARM, LOVED. What have you done as of late huh? 

Vade felt like he was being exposed. That point and actuation from Ryan felt like a kick in the groin. Ryan knew he had Vade in the palm of his hand.

Ryan: Oh where's your smugness now Lame? Yeah you're just a lame-o who is getting verbally whooped by an award-winning singer. See that babe? Replace me, one with wit with this twit? *to Vade* wanna punch me? Come on. Punch me. I know you want to. So the moment you strike me, I can get your ass arrested and suspended from the WWE.

Vade would not budge and let Ryan get the last laugh, but in this case, he didn't want his job in jeopardy. Ryan knew he has the advantage.

Ryan: Alexis, tell that piece of crap to get the fuck off our property or I will call the cops and tell them he is trespassing.

Alexa: That's it, I'm calling the cops.. *looks annoyed* ugh no signal.... *steps away*

Ryan made sure that Alexa walked away. Vade sensed something was up but Ryan saw it as a road to victoy for him.

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