1. The Masquerade Ball

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Oliver’s POV

“HEEEYYY BITCH!!!” screamed Tabitha, the president of the student council. She was always in a preppy mood, which would’ve annoyed me but I knew what she was going to say to me. Everyone knew what day it was.

“Hey Tabby, what’s up?” I tried to match her happy attitude but it’s impossible unless I down 5 cups of coffee and snort so much cocaine my nose pops. 

“Soooo… as you know, next week is the official Senior Start party. Just wanted to let you know that you’re invited. I wanted to tell you in person ‘cause I like you. Anyways, ciao!” and just like that, she left, skipping her way down. I already knew I was invited, I am a senior after all. Now I just had to wait until sixth period to find out what this year’s theme is. Every year, there is always an elaborate theme. Last year, it was Romeo and Juliet. But let’s just say, it  was anything but. Who knew people could turn an innocent love story into something out of Fifty Shades of Grey.

Sixth period rolled around and my friends and I sat together in class looking at our school’s insta page. We kept refreshing, waiting for the post. Then it popped up. Immediately, the whole class went into a frenzy. We all read the post and found out this year’s theme…

A Masquerade Ball.

“Oooh, kinky.” Said John, my idiot friend. He had a habit of hooking up with girls everywhere he went. I would find it douchey, but he explicitly tells his hookups to not expect anything out of their affair. So it works out okay.

“Seriously, does everything you say have to be sexual?” exclaimed Judy, the goofball of our group. She had only transferred here a year ago but fit in well with us. Not much needs to be said, other than the fact that she’s one of the funniest people you can meet. Trust!

“Aww what’s wrong, is someone mad cause they still have their v-card?” said Jackie. She tends to be the hot-headed one. Always trying to be better than everyone else. But she does have a soft side, one that she only shows to her friends. She’s also really attractive, getting hit on by many guys. Hell, even John tried hitting on her. But Jackie always lets him down disrespectfully.

“Oh please, you’re not better than anyone else just cause you let some rando destroy your pussy.” Sarah said in retaliation. Sarah is my best friend. We both met in first grade and have been inseparable ever since. Sarah is on the student council, which means she knew what the theme was but couldn’t say a word. She’s one of those people you can trust to keep your secret. Loyal, caring, honest, hardworking, she’s amazing.

“Guys, settle down. Let’s not bite each others’ heads off.” I spoke, finally making the argument stop. I’m Oliver. I’m a senior at Mark Twain High School. I’m pretty tall for my height. I have brown wavy hair. My skin is tan. I work out four times a week. I love boba! I love Ariana Grande. I have all honors classes. I’m in several clubs, being the president of the drama club. Oh, and I’m gay.

No one knows about my sexuality except Sarah. I confided with her. Like I said, she can keep your secret. It’s not that I’m afraid of people finding out, but more so the attention. I already have several girls wishing I would step on them, I don’t need thirsty men to want me too. I do have a few crushes, but I’ve never loved anyone. Yet.

Together, our group was pretty popular. Presidents, hotties, jokers, ex-jocks, and nerds. We were perfect. Yes, we were. And don’t worry, we don’t bully people. I mean, except for Jackie bullying John every second. But they’re fine.

“So, does this mean we need masks?” said John. Jackie immediately hit his head, causing all of us to snicker at him as he held and rubbed the impact site.

“You dumbass, obviously. That’s why it’s called a Masquerade Ball.” she emphasized by pointing at the words in the post and zooming in. 

“Shut up! And I’m not a dumbass! I’m just… confused as to what kind of mask. Kinky? Or…”

“Relax, it’s not THAT kind of mask. We should go shopping soon. Maybe after school. We should get them before the rest are taken by everyone else.” Judy’s plan was set in motion and we all agreed to meet up after school and go to the mall.

The evening came around and I stood waiting for Jackie to pull up in her pink Toyota. I caught a glimpse of it. It wasn’t hard to find. It literally looks like a gumdrop in the road.

“Get in loser. We’re going shopping.” She said in her faux Regina George accent. I laughed sarcastically and hopped in. I sat in the back along with Judy and Sarah. Surprisingly, Jackie let John sit in the front. I already knew we were in for a long trip.


“I’m telling you, Chai tea is better than matcha!” 

“Nu-uh, matcha is for civilized people. Therefore it’s automatically better.” 

I honestly don’t know when they started arguing. We were literally talking about going to the beach to John and Jackie arguing about tea. Judy was with John, agreeing that Chai is better. While Sarah was on Jackie’s side about matcha. That left me as the deciding factor.

“So Oliver, what’s it gonna be? Beautiful and pristine and classy matcha, or asinine Chai.” Jackie kinda scared me with her threatening tone. I just sat there, darting my eyes back and forth.

“Actually, I think black tea is better.” I finally spoke.

This caused both sides to start pestering me about choosing one. John offered that he’ll let me get laid if I join him. Tempting, if I was straight.

Jackie offered to tell me where she gets her secret vanilla scented shampoo. I had always asked where she got it but she never tells me. This was the deciding factor. 

“Okay, fine. Matcha is better.” I finally proclaimed. It was as if I had just ended a lifelong war. Jackie and Sarah cheered while Judy and John gave me a semi-aggressive punch on both shoulders. I yelped in pain but they stuck their tongues out. Fine, whatevs.

We finally reached the mall and hopped out of the car. We walked into the large building and first went to get boba. I got my favorite, black milk tea. The others got some sort of fruit, yuck. 

We walked around looking for the costume store. John points to a mask displayed on a storefront window. He begs us if we can go in and buy it.

“Pllleeeeeaaasseee. That's all I ask for.” he gets on his knees and begs.

“Umm John. That’s a Spencer’s store. You know that right?” Sarah informed the begging boy.

“So? What does that mean?” Oh poor John, ignorant and naive.

“It’s a sex shop dumbass. Those masks are for foreplay.” Jackie snaps at him.

“Oh. Can I still buy it?” John asks as a mischievous grin appears in his face. Jackie instead grabs him by the ear and signals for us to keep searching for the costume store.


We walk out the mall successfully getting our desired mask. Jackie got a bright pink one, of course. Judy got a Mardi Gras one. John got a silver and white one. Sarah got a varsity blue and maroon one. And I got a black one with small grey and white stitching all around making patterns all over it. 

“Dude, that looks so good on you. You’ll totally hook up with a chick at the party.” John said to me as I put it on. The mask only covered my eyes and the surrounding areas. While everyone else got full ones, mine was partial. I specifically got a partial and sexy one. My hopes for this party is to find a guy, but one can only dream.

Ahhhh first chapter! I'm so excited! Hope you all enjoy this. This will only have 12 chapters. Okay bye!

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