7. Suspect #3: Luis

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Suspect #3: Luis

Luis is one of the few Hispanics at our school. But despite his ethnicity, he has lighter skin than your average Latino. 

After my discovery of Sarah and Marcus, I didn’t give Marcus the same treatment as Timothy. I may have never spoken to Marcus, but I know enough to know that he is a good person. 

A serious issue I have with my current method is that it limits my expansion. I can only ask a certain amount of people and have a limited time. And limited help. Only Sarah knows about Ace. Which really stresses me out because I would love to have Jackie or John or Judy to help me but we’ve decided to keep this on the low-low. Just in case Ace may not want to also come out.

Oh! Jackie and John. Yeah those two have been weird with each other. They haven’t argued, so you know something major happened. Judy mentioned they may have gotten into an argument, but they always get into arguments. Judy and Sarah already had things hidden, so maybe so will they. 

Today my third suspect is Luis. Luis is kinda like your average football jock. Always hooking up with random girls. But he does have a soft spot. One time I needed a lift after my car broke down in the middle of the road. He was there and gave me a lift. Out of all the suspects, he’s the tallest. He also has deep green eyes. He can be douchey but Ace and I didn’t really do much talking when we met so I don’t know about Ace’s character.

The most obvious place Luis would be is at the football field. The field is large sporting our school colors gold and blue. 

I walked into the field and looked around for him. There were the other members of the team playing on the field but no sight of Luis. I saw Blake, who is a close friend with Luis. So I approached him. He was throwing a football when I tapped him on the shoulder.

“Blake!” I yelled. He turned around and saw me. He gave a small wave and I waved back.

“Oliver the Olive Oil, whatchu need?” Classic Blake with his nicknames.

“Do you know where Luis might be?” After I asked that, his eyes widened.

“Are you the one he hooked up with?” My heart stopped for a second. Could Luis be Ace? Blake acknowledges that Luis hooked up with a guy.

“Uhh, no. I just need to ask him something? Know where he is?” I didn’t confirm if it was me that he hooked up with. Because I myself am not sure if it was actually Luis.

“Yeah he’s in the locker room.” 

“Oh. Where’s that at?” I honestly didn’t know. The last time I went into the locker room was freshman year when John passed out drunk. He pointed to the direction of a small building. I gave him a quick thanks and ran in that direction.

Upon entering the locker room, I was hit with the smell of musk. Ew! I scanned the room but found no sign of him.

“LUIS!” My voice echoed in the locker room.

“YO!” There was Luis wearing his football attire. His position is the quarterback. Not sure what that means but must be important. 

“Oh Oliver! Wassup dude!” I tried not cringing at him calling me dude. Call me cliche but I despite masculinity lingo.

“Hey Luis. Can I ask you something?” He fistbumped me which I replied with a fist bump. 

“Sure, follow me.” I followed him to where he had his stuff. It looked like he’s getting ready to leave.

“So, what’d you want to ask?” He removed his helmet.

“On the night of the mask party, what did you do?” 

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