9. Operation: Encore

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“JOHN! GET YOUR ASS IN HERE!” screamed Judy. Usually it’s Jackie who would tell John to hurry up. Jackie was in the driver’s seat, the passenger seat empty. I glanced at Sarah who also glanced at me. Judy got in with John following behind. John got into the passenger’s seat and said a loud hey to us in the back. He turned to Jackie and gave a sincere hello. Awww.

The ride there was like last time. Sarah and I scoffed and made fun of the girls who dressed slutty. Side note: most of these girls have been known to hookup with any guy they see. Judy and John cracked jokes, making John laugh. I noticed Jackie gave Judy a stare. And it had jealousy written all over it. Judy didn’t see it but I did. 

The mansion came into view. The sound of loud music blasting through all our ears. Jackie parked into the same spot like last time. We slowly walked out and looked at the house. It was just like last time, full of life and people partying. I don’t know why, but I scanned all the windows to see if Ace was watching me. I wonder if he was here.

“Oliver. You there?” Sarah waved her hand in my face. I snapped out and looked at her. She gave me a mischievous grin.

“Hmm? Yes I am.” I responded fast. Sarah leaned in closer to me into my ear so only I could hear.

“Ya think Ace is here?” Her question was one I couldn’t answer myself. 

“I hope so. I’ll actually attempt to take off his mask.”

“Okay, just don’t call me screaming at me when you find out he is a serial killer.” She laughed and I jokingly laughed. 

“Ey, you two. Let’s boogie!” Judy screamed while shaking her hips onto John. She laughed and John stood there nervously. Jackie once again eyed Judy with a hateful look. 

We all began walking side by side. We entered the gates and made our way up the empty driveway. As we passed the large center fountain, we saw a few people in there swimming. The house’s entrance came into view. The doors were fully open and you could see the inside gleaming with lights and music. This is just like last time.

“Okay people! Whatever happens here stays in here.” Sarah said. Judy chuckled. We walked in and looked around. Teens with masks grinding against one another. The smell of alcohol is pungent in the air. Sarah was pulled away by Tabitha to do student council stuff.

“Go with Timothy. Remember, if he hurts you, I’ll rip his balls off.” I whispered into Judy’s ear. She turned to me and blushed. She lightly punched my shoulder.

“Shut up, Oli.” She chuckled and then left, walking towards the kitchen.

I was left standing there with Jackie and John looking at everything, except each other.

“Alright you two, make sure you use protection and lock the door this time.” I said to Jackie and John and winked at them. They snapped out of their thoughts and looked at me and blushed. Then I guess the realization hit them on what I said. I walked away up the stairs.

“OY WAIT OLI!” I turned around and saw John chasing after me with Jackie trailing behind. I stopped and looked at a flustered John and Jackie who was shying away.

“I’m guessing, Luis told you.” John said shyly. Awww.

“Why didn’t you two say anything about you liking each other?” I said.

“Because we didn’t know either. We’ve been trying to figure out how we feel. But it’s hard when the person you like is a dumbass like John.” Jackie said.

“HEY! I’m your dumbass!” John said. After he said that, he blushed again. 

“I’ve watched you two since the day we met. You fight like an old married couple. Go for it! If you like each other you like each other.” I looked at Jackie and then John.

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