5. Suspect #1: Timothy

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Suspect #1: Timothy

Timothy is one of the popular guys at our school. He has light brown hair and is pretty tall. So of course he was the first suspect. 

After my conversation with Sarah, we agreed that I wouldn’t come out just yet. I’ll wait until after I find ‘Ace’. Oh yeah! We decided to codename my lover ‘Ace’ after the tattoo he has and the symbol he drew. We tried to connect the lines and figure out the significance of the ace tattoo but we came up empty handed.

Sarah messaged Tabitha and asked her if she knew who owns the house we partied in. She couldn’t say because of ‘legal reasons.’ So we’ve drafted an identity. Whoever Ace is, he is definitely rich, has a lot of control due to the NDAs, and will go out of his way to keep himself hidden. 

I kept the note with me, just so I could see his writing. His writing was neat, a perfect blend of Arial and cursive. The Monday that approached was hectic. Everyone was talking about how great the party was and how it may be the best one. Some even were going to ask for an encore. 

I met up with my group. But things seemed different. Judy was always on her phone smiling. Sarah kept her eyes open, watching for someone. Jackie and John were not arguing like usual. Rather, they would look at each other and then look away.

“Okay what’s up with you guys? Judy, you usually would be talking about the latest comedy show on Comedy Central. Jackie, you would be talking and bashing the newest episode of Gossip Girl. And you, John, would be fighting with Jackie.” They all looked at me like I was crazy. Then they went back to how they were before. I huffed and decided not to intervene. 

The day went on normally, -ish. Everyone was acting a bit strange. But if it was something bad, they would’ve told me already. I looked around and tried to see if Ace was anywhere, watching me. But no matter where I looked, he wasn’t visible. I say visible because I know he's watching me but doesn’t want to be seen.

“Hey Oli, are you going to talk to Timothy?” Sarah asked me. It was the end of the day and many were leaving to go home. Jackie and John left abruptly and Judy walked home. Sarah had student council business and I had to interrogate my first suspect.

Timothy. His family is pretty well off. According to Sarah, he owns a large house. Could he be the owner of the large house? It’s possible. I know he’s at baseball practice. I know this because his Instagram account is full of him playing baseball. A bit egotistical but has a bit of a kind and goofy personality. 

So here I am, walking towards the baseball field. I entered the bleachers and looked around for him. I spot him sitting down drinking water. I approached him.

“TIMOTHY!” I yelled at him. He looked around to see where my voice came from. He spots me and gives me a small wave. As I get closer, he stands up and also walks towards me.

“Hey uh, Oliver? Right?” He asks.

“Yep, that's me. The one and only.” I responded enthusiastically. 

“'Kay, so what’s up?” He asked as he chugged more water.

“I wanted to ask what you did the night of the party.” He choked on his water. He blushed and looked around. He started sweating and I stared at him. I tilted my head.

“Uhhhh, uh I um, nothing! Nothing happened! Why?” He stuttered out. I didn’t believe him. Trust me. I’ve lived with liars all my life. I know one when I see one.

“Tim, did you hook up with anyone on Saturday?” I had him. He looked quickly at me and then looked away, blushing.

“Who was it?” I asked, hoping it was me. 

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