8. Suspect #4: Alex

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Suspect #4: Alex

Alex is my final suspect. And the last one who fits the criteria. He’s a bit of a mystery, which perfectly coincides with Ace. I don’t know much about Alex, neither did Sarah who knows everyone in our student council. So I’ll need a bit of time to look for where he is. 

Jackie and John’s relationship is still at a stand still. Judy would ask if they’re okay. But they brushed it off. I, however, knew about them. Most likely they’re confused about how they feel about each other. 

If I’m being honest, I’m stressed. Like really stressed. I constantly wonder if it’s worth it to look for Ace. I wonder if Ace is still watching me or if he abandoned me and is looking for a new toy. And if he is watching, is he watching me in hopes I find him or if this is for his amusement? Is he laughing at me right now, watching me like a chicken without its head-


I have a strong feeling he is still watching me. Waiting for me. I think he still knows I care for him. That I still want to look for him. But if Alex isn’t him, I’m afraid this investigation will hit a major roadblock. 

But back to John and Jackie. What would their ship name be? Jackie or John… ? Okay nevermind. I wanted to confront them but nah! I want to hear it from them. Imagine Jackie, the stuck up girl, telling me that she hooked up with her long-time enemy. 

So here I am, watching Jackie drink her iced coffee while giving the occasional glare to John. Judy was making goo goo eyes to Timothy. Sarah was looking through the school’s Instagram, liking posts to show school spirit. She was also looking for any pictures to come up with a few more suspects for Ace. 

Alex has quite the reputation that only some know. Including John.

“Hey John, can I speak to you about something important?” Upon hearing me, he quickly glanced at Jackie. Jackie gave a glance to John as if to say ‘You better not say anything.’ 

“Umm, sure? Yeah okay.” We both got up and he followed me. I led him through the quad and into the side of a building. 

“Do you know where Alex is?” It took him a while to know who I was talking about. He was probably taken aback because he thought I was going to ask about Jackie. He let out a sigh in relief.

“Why? Do you need something from him?” Technically I did. But not what he thinks.

“Yeah. So know where he’s at?”

“Fo sho. Go to the football field on the guests side. The far right corner, underneath the bleachers. Go and say you need a hookup. They’ll let you in and he’ll be waiting.”

“Right. Thanks.”

“My pleasure, my treasure.” He gave me a happy smile. I returned the smile and we returned to our seats. And back to glaring were John and Jackie.

Alex. The schools hook. Basically he sells any type of drug and can get cheap alcohol. So he’s pretty well known for supplying every high school party. Meaning he must’ve been the hook for the mask party. Meaning he could be Ace. And if not, he could know who the host is. Alex is like a mythical creature. You know about him, but can you be sure he exists. Of course he does, but does the Alex everyone thinks exist actually exists?

I reached the football field and walked across it.

“HEY OLIVER!” I turned and it was Luis waving at me. I guess we’re kinda close now. He did tell me about his confusing threesome and plus I saw his dick. I gave him a small wave. He then went on his phone texting someone.

I made it to the side that John said I should go to. I entered under the bleachers and went in deeper. Slowly, a hut made from tarp showed up. It was close but had a small opening. Next to the opening was a large dude acting like a bouncer. 

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