12. Finale

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Oliver’s POV

“I think it’s time we told them.” I said to Jace. We layed in his bed and looked into the outside which was pouring although the sun was out. Majestic, it was. The ambience of wind chimes can be heard as the sound of droplets hit the floor to ceiling windows. The sunshine hit my face as I looked outside thinking about how lucky my life was that I met Jace.

My life was a storm of emptiness. Occasional rain and thunder rained into my life that no one knew about. Until Jace came into my life. He was the sun that lit up my world. My life was still a bit of a storm, as the idea that I would be alone was still engraved in my head after years of loneliness. But the wind chimes, Jace’s words, always told me that he would be here and never leave me. 

We had been dating for two weeks since the day we met again at the party. I’m sure Jace's friends knew about our relationship because they had been part of the plan. But they haven’t told anyone because they understand that I need time to settle. 

I was hesitant to date Jace. He did so much just to ask me out. I talked to him and made him swear that if he ever needed to say anything, to just tell me. He agreed and I finally gave myself fully in.

“Are you sure? I don’t want to rush you.” Jace sat up and looked me into the eyes.

“Of course I’m sure. I feel confident that this relationship will be going somewhere.” I looked him in the eyes. His green eyes still give me the same flushed feeling that I got when I first met him. I gave him a small hopeful gleam. He brushed my hair out of my forehead and smiled at me.

“Okay then. When should we do it?” 

“As soon as possible.”

“If it’ll make you feel better, then yes.” I kissed him and he kissed me back. We hummed into the kiss. 

I think I love him.


“YO JACE. What’d you need to tell us?” John said to Jace.

Currently we were sitting at one of the outside tables at In-N-Out. We called all of our friends to tell them the news. Jace’s friends already knew, I think. They probably know we hooked up but don’t know we’re dating.

“John, shut the fuck up and lower your voice.” Jackie hit John’s shoulder. 

“OW! Stop that!” John flicked Jackie’s forehead. The two got into a small fighting match which consisted of them slapping each other’s hands and heads. 

“Can you two stop? You’re giving me a migraine.” Judy said while rubbing her temples with her fingers. I saw Tim rub her head and she blushed. 

“Why did you summon us here, Jace and Oliver?” Sarah said, finally cutting to the chase.

“Right, umm…” Jace started off but looked nervous. The rich and powerful Jace became nervous thanks to me.

“Uh huh? Go on.” Marcus looked at Jace with intrigue. 

“Jace and I are dating!” I said. 

“Oh, goodie! Finally!” Luis said. 

I looked over to Judy, John, and Jackie, who all looked at me with shocked expressions. I forgot that they didn’t know that I was gay. Oop! Surprise.

“Y-you’re gay?” John said. He looked at Jackie and back at me.

“Yeah. Sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I was scared that you wouldn’t accept me.”

“Oh are you kidding me Oliver! I don’t care that you’re gay. Right Jackie?” He nudged Jackie who was sipping her milkshake.

“I’m cool with it. I already knew tho.” She slurped her milkshake. I laughed. Classic Jackie.

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