4. Ace

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“Yes I did it! It was fucking great! Like everything I wanted and more.” I heard my masked lover speaking. I was still half asleep so my hearing was a bit muffled. I shifted my head on the pillow to try to see where my lover was.

When I turned my head, I saw him facing the window outside. His back was turned to me. He was still naked so his strong ass and back were on display for me. I felt my dick getting hard again. He was on the phone talking low. Little did he know I was already awake. Well, half awake.

“No, he doesn’t know. Not yet. I’ll be testing him. Did you keep your end of the deal?” Deal? What deal? What was happening? And what test? Questions flooded my brain which exhausted me again. 

“What about him? Did he also keep his end? Perfect. No one knows.” My mind was racing. I shifted a bit in the bed causing a rustling noise to happen. My masked lover jolted and whispered into the phone. I couldn’t hear what he said but I saw him lifting up his mask and putting it on. That damn mask! 

He turned around and I pretended to still be asleep. I moved a bit, acting like I was having a nightmare. My eyes squinted barely to see him approaching me. His flaccid dick moved side to side as he walked. My mind went back to the fact that thing was inside me. To tease him, I shook my ass “unconsciously”. I heard a deep growl come from him.

He leaned close to my head and kissed my forehead. He was above me, caging me with both arms around me. I was still pretending to be asleep. I felt his hard dick poking one of my ass cheeks. I blushed a bit.. 

“Sleep well baby. When you wake up, I won’t be here. But I’ll be watching you from afar.” He whispered into my ear. I don’t know if he knew I was awake but whatever he said I heard. My mind was going to process his words but then I fell asleep quickly.


I awoke to the sun peering into the huge windows of this room. I jolted up and shielded my eyes from the sun. My mind instinctively wanted to close the curtains. I hadn’t realized I was covered by a blanket. The sun bothered me and I got up to close them.

“FUCKING SHIT!” I screamed as I fell down. I felt a sharp pain on my ass and back. Memories from the night before flooded my head quickly. I blushed a little. Words like ‘Just fuck me already’ and ‘yes sir’ flooded my head. Oh God! I can’t believe I said that to a guy I just met.

I got up slowly trying not to worry about the pain. I made my way to the curtains. I peeked outside and saw the courtyard was a mess. Trash and drunk teenagers littered the grass. I close the curtains and went back to bed.

I relaxed a bit and noticed the desk next to the bed. There was a card, a tube of something, wipes, and my phone.

Dear Oliver,

Last night was the most fun and exciting moment I’ve ever had. You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that to you. And to find out I’m the one to take your virginity, it was an honor. Beside you are a few things, the wipes are to wipe your hole. After our moment, you fell asleep and didn’t get a chance to clean up my cum from inside. I also left a tube of cream to apply to your hole to help relieve the pain. Your clothes are folded and your phone charged. If you want to find out who I am, you must wait. Sorry, but I need to make sure of something. Goodbye, for now!

Your Masked Future

At the bottom of the card was an ace of spades drawing. I remembered the tattoo he had, the same shape. I looked back to the items and got to work. I cleaned myself and applied the cream. I felt better after and proceeded to put my clothes on. I only put on my pants and shirt. I chose to not wear my blazer. I grabbed my phone only to have a few missing phone calls from my mom, Sarah, and John. I sent my mom a quick text letting her know I stayed at Sarah’s. Then I called Sarah.

The Mysterious Masked Man ✔️Where stories live. Discover now