3. Pleasure

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smut ahead ;)

The mysterious man moved closer to me, eyeing my lips. I too looked at his lips. I admired how plump and pink they were. His eyes, the only visible part on his top half of his face, pierced me. They were a beautiful sharp green. I hadn’t noticed that the man placed his hand behind my back, cradling me. I looked down as I felt his hand move to my ass and give it a small squeeze. I let out a small whimper and blushed, looking down in embarrassment. 

“So tight. Have you ever been fucked before?” He asked me while I still looked down.

“N-No, I’m still a virgin.”

“Hmm, I’m surprised. A beautiful boy like you should’ve already been deflowered.”

He moved his hand under my chin and lifted my head. I was met with his forest eyes and I saw hunger and lust in them. Then his hands moved to the back of my head. I felt his fingers play with the string of my mask. I felt my mask become loose, signifying that he unraveled the string. His arms started to move and my mask was finally off, revealing who I was.

“You’re so much prettier without the mask.” He tossed the mask aside. It made a clunk noise as it hit the floor somewhere random.

I reached my hands to his head to remove his mask. But he gripped my hands firmly. He moved his head back. I stared into his eyes, confused. I showed myself, so I assume he should let me see who he is.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t do that.”

“Why?” I was confused.

“I can’t say.”

“Can I at least know your name?” If I can't see his face, I must know his name.

“I also can’t tell you that.”

“Well, mine’s Oliver.”

“I know who you are.” Woah. He knew who I was. Did he go to our school? My brain tried to match his features to every guy I can think of. But nothing popped up. Either he didn’t go to our school, or he’s a person who’s remained in the shadows. 

His face leaned closer to mine. I was entranced by his seductiveness so I also began to lean in. We got closer, feeling our breaths brush against each other. Then our lips landed. We stayed in that position for a few seconds, before we started making out.

It was small kisses at first. Then we got more energetic. His tongue brushed against my bottom lip, asking for entrance. I refused, just to be a tease. He kept trying to enter but I didn’t allow him. I felt his hands grab my ass which made me yelp. He took that moment to swiftly put his tongue in my mouth. Our tongues battled for dominance but he won and swirled it all over my mouth.

He started moving us towards the edge of the bed. After a few more minutes, he pushed me back and my back hit the bed. I watched him as he looked at me. Then I watched as he removed his suit coat. Then he unbuttoned his shirt. He was left in a tank top. His muscles bulged through his shirt. His abs looked sharp, his arms looking strong. Rather than removing his tank top over his head, he ripped it off. The sound of the fabric piercing through the room. I stared in awe as his muscles became more prominent. The moonlight shone on them. He caught me staring at them and moved his pecs up and down. Then I also noticed another thing, a tattoo. It was on his lower abdomen near his v-line. It was an ace of spades tattoo.

“Like what you see?” He asked and I blushed, implying yes.

He then started to unbutton his pants. He moved his pants down and I watched as his tight black briefs hugged his hard dick. It was huge. I gulped, wondering if it’ll fit.

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