11. Together Again

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smut warning ;)

Oliver’s POV

“JACE?!?” I said in shock. My eyes widened and I stumbled back a bit while looking at him. He smirked like he had just reached his desired result. And I guess that would be his reveal of his identity. 

To say I was shocked would be an understatement. I’m in the presence of ACE RICHARDS! 

For context for those of you who don’t live in our town, the Richards are like the Kardashians of this city. The Obamas. The Kennedy’s- well, maybe not the Kennedy’s. They own a series of casinos in Vegas, Monte Carlo, and even Macau. They're, like, rich. Like Crazy Rich Asians rich. I’ve always kinda known who Ace was. He once talked to me in elementary school but I was a very sassy kid so we never spoke. But he was kinda forgettable.

Everyone knew who Ace was but he was always in the shadows. He never really spoke to anyone and kept a small circle despite many trying to befriend him, most of them just for his money. Since our encounter in elementary school, I only ever heard of him about five times. Most of those times were about his parties that he threw in his house. I’m pretty sure I bumped into him two years ago but my mind was racing about something else. I didn't acknowledge his existence. 

“Jace? Why me?” I needed to know why he did this. Why he took an interest in me and then left me to fend for myself. Why he waited for so long to come to me. 

“Isn’t it simple? I like you.” He said excitedly. I saw his green eyes sparkled at the mention of his feelings. From what I recall, Jace never dated anyone. He had girls flock all over him but he never settled for anyone. The thought of him liking ME made me blush.

“Y-you do?” My face was red and hot.

“Of course Oliver. I really like you.” He said.

“Oh. Why?” 

“Oliver. You always fascinated me. You have such an interesting personality. You’re sassy, but caring. You have this tough exterior but I saw right through that. I knew that I needed to be with you when we bumped into each other a few years ago. You continued walking but I stopped and watched you. And I have been watching you since then.” 

OKAY… I’m blushing hard right now. I had to hide my face away from him because I felt embarrassed. He removed my hands and looked deep into my eyes.

“So you did all this… for me?” I didn’t want to sound too happy.

“Yeah. I did. I planned this whole thing. I fell for you and needed you. Because I like you. A lot. And I’m sorry for fucking you and then leaving you alone.”

“Yeah why did you do that? I investigated four guys to find out who you were.” I was a bit irritated. At least he acknowledged it and apologized a bit for it.

“Yeah I know. I told the guys to watch out for you and not reveal anything.” 

“The guys?” Who are these ‘guys’? Me wants to know.

“Tim, Marcus, Luis, and Alex.” My brain gears took a second to register the information just told to me.

“Wait? They were in on it too?” He chuckled at my revelation.

“Yeah, we’re all close. I told them about my plan and they each had a part. Tim was to distract Judy, Marcus was to distract Sarah, and Luis kept tabs on Jackie and John. Meanwhile I needed Alex to watch you until everything was ready.” 

“...Right?” I stared at him. He could’ve just asked me out honestly. He didn’t need to go through all this.

“Why did you leave me alone after the first time we met? I almost gave up on finding you because it was a long process.” I needed him to answer this since it was something that annoyed me about the whole process. Even an occasional note would’ve been comforting but I was left in the dark.

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