2. Approached

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“Hey, you pulling up now?” Jackie asked me. I was on my way to her house because she decided that she would drive us all. John wanted to drive us, causing yet again, another Jackie-John argument to ensue. I swear, those two probably love each other. 

“Yessss, I’m here now.” I pulled up to her house. I’ve always loved her house. It’s so spacious and modern. And pink. 

As I pulled up, I got out and made my way to her pink Toyota. Sarah and Judy were already waiting inside. Judy wore a nice lavender dress and Sarah wore a navy blue one. 

“Hey guys!” I said to them.

Both girls looked at me up and down.

“What’s wrong?”

“You just look, wow!”

I turned around and saw Jackie heading towards us. Can you guess what color her dress is. Yep, you got it, PINK. Jackie walked towards me, wearing her mask. She had a smirk on her face that kinda worried me.

“Looking good Oli.” she said as she got into the driver’s seat. I followed behind, sitting in the back with Judy and Sarah. John insisted that he sit in the front. When we asked why, he simply said that he wanted to annoy Jackie. Sure, that’s why.

“Where’s John?” Judy asked.

“Oh my God he’s late, AGAIN.” Jackie sounded annoyed.

Just then, a figure started running down the street towards Jackie’s car. It was John. He looked crazy. His mask was barely hanging on his face. His hair was disheveled. His tie wasn’t even put on, just hanging loosely on his neck. 

“Aye no, he’s late.” Sarah said.

“WAIT UP! I’M HERE!” John ran up to Jackie’s driveway and got in the car quickly. He smirked when he sat next to Jackie since the seat was empty. 

“Why are you late? And why do you smell like booze?” Jackie scrunched her nose as she sniffed John. 

“I nneeded t-to pregame. Wanttted-d to en-enjoy the party to the FULL extent.” His speech was a little slurred, implying he drank only a few minutes ago.

“Let’s just go already. We’re wasting time.” I said 

“Alright Mr. Bossy.” John paused as he looked at me and my outfit. “Woah, you actually put in effort. You’re now Mr. Sexy. Definitely hooking up tonight.” 

We began driving to the party. A few of us went on Instagram and viewed a few of our peers' stories. We saw the people drinking and grinding against each other.

“Ugh, look at Melissa. She literally looks like a hooker. Who told her that outfit looked good?” Judy turned her phone to Jackie, who was waiting for the light to turn red. Jackie’s face held a look of disgust and she fake gagged.

I got a small notification on my phone from Sarah.

Heyyy, so you look snazzy ;)

of course, gotta attract someone 
if you catch me drift

Are you actually gonna hook up with a random guy
That emanates slut energy

i actually do want to “hook up”
not exactly but hoping to find someone at least

Okay, if you say so
Just use protection ;)

I looked up at Sarah and we both started laughing. John was busy texting someone. Judy was cracking jokes with Jackie, who was laughing. If it was anyone outside our group, Jackie’s laugh would be like finding the Rosetta Stone, rare.

“JOHNATHAN XAVIER PEREZ GET YOUR NASTY HANDS OFF MY DRESS!” Jackie yelled, causing all our attention to shift to the front at the two.

“Oh c’mon, I was-s just-st a- si-simple touch” he slurred. Sarah, Judy, and I decided to tone them out and not get involved with their drama.

“Okay guys, we’re here.” Jackie pulled up into a reserved spot. Since Sarah was in the student council, she got a reserved parking spot. And since Jackie was the one driving her, Jackie got to have the spot. 

The house was huge. I knew that some people in this town were better off. And by better, I mean rich-rich. This whole street we were on was reserved for those privileged families. And this house happens to be the biggest. Usually every year one of the rich kids would offer their house to have the party thrown in. Whose ever house this was must be like Gatsby rich.

“Is that a fucking fountain.” Judy said. We all turned to where she was looking and saw that indeed, it was a fountain. The outside of the house was already littered with cups, trash, and drunk classmates.

“C’mon, let’s go. Party’s getting started.”

Upon entering the house, it was hard to see who was who. Everyone wore masks. Different kinds. John was immediately swept away by a group of what I presume were stoners. Jackie left for the bathroom. Probably to fix her makeup. And Sarah had student council business.

“Guess it’s just you and me huh?” I told Judy.

“Yep, let’s go get something to drink.” Judy led the way to the kitchen. We passed by masked teens who were dancing and grinding against one another. I saw two women making out. And I could’ve sworn I saw a straight couple having sex. 

I could sit here and tell you I got so drunk and partied so hard but that didn’t happen. Instead, I took one drink. Judy chugged at least a full bottle of vodka. I never did see the rest of my friends. They were off doing other things.

I was standing on the foyer, looking down as people danced. I was underwhelmed, I was expecting more but instead got a pseudo-brothel waiting to happen. I was just watching. Out of the corner of my eye, I could’ve sworn I saw someone watching me. I turned in that direction and saw no one there. I must be going crazy.

Just then, I turned my head the other way and saw a tall figure standing next to me.

“Hey there.” The mysterious man said. He wore a dark mask that looked almost midnight black. His voice was deep and sexy. I could’ve orgasmed just by the sound of it. 

“Hey.” I said to him. My cheeks turned a tint of red. Was he talking to me because he was hitting on me or because he was bored? Probably the latter.

“So, you’re here alone. How about you come with me?” Oh fuck. He asked me to follow him. 

“Sure, I’ve got nothing better to do.”

I followed this man close behind. His suit was beautiful. It was black and crisp, like it was just bought. It gripped his back amazingly, showing his back muscles. His pants gripped on his muscular looking ass. Was I really going to give myself to some guy I’ve just met. He was hot, despite his face still covered. 

He led me into a hallway away from the normal party. It looks like this wing of the house was closed off or just unused. The hallway lights were dimmed. After a while, we made it to a room at the end of the hall. He opened the door and led me in. I walked in and he closed the door shut, locking it.

“So, why did you bring me here?” I asked him, curious as to why he brought me. A guy like him must be looking for a chick to hook up with.

“You interested me.” His voice was deep. I couldn’t tell if that is his normal voice or if he deepend it to hide his identity.  

We stared at each other for a while. I interested him. Hmm. Usually I only attracted needy girls. The only sound heard was the distant music blasting. The moonlight shined through the window, and I got a much clearer view of the room. It was big, and it had a large bed in the middle. After a few more seconds of staring, he moved close.

And then I knew my wish would come true. I got a handsome guy. But who was he? I’ve yet to know. 

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