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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔔𝔫𝔢
ᴏɴ ᴛʜɪɴ ɪᴄᴇ

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The snow of Pagodon slushed under their boots. Hyperthermia settled deep within their bones, their outerwear now sodden and provided no protection against the unforgiving climate. The pair were now more than halfway, having passed the next port. They only had a few hours left until the sun set over the snowy lands, and the temperature would drop astronomically.

"You could've at least transported us to the right port." Kallista glared, fighting against the strong gales to keep her hood up.

The armoured man faltered in his stride, though refrained from a snippy remark. "I did."

The girl scoffed in a disbelieving manner, which her guardian disregarded. For now.

"We would be making time if you weren't behaving like a child." The man called over his shoulder, steadying the girl when she slipped. "We can cross to the east gate and make haste towards the Inn."

The girl hummed, kicking snow in her guardian's direction. "I hope you bloody freeze."

The Mandalorian titled his helmet before he loosened his grip on the girl's bicep and continued down the path, uncaring of whatever comment his ward hurled at his retreating figure.

The pair walked for another hour, cutting time in half when the winds changed in their favour, working with them as opposed to against them.

Eventually (much to Kallista's relief) they had reached the outskirts of Pagodon's trading port, Ferryman's Reach. One of the planet's few sites of civilisation. Perhaps Kallista was being generous — the port was practically derelict and looked as if it had been for centuries.

The Mandalorian pulled out the tracking fob for the hundredth time, holding it in the direction of the settlement to ensure he hadn't led them astray. There was supposed to be an inn nearby, though there didn't appear to be much of anything.

"Is this it?" Kallista couldn't help but ask, her disappointment was immeasurable. With how much the bounty was worth, she expected something a little more... exciting.

Not whatever this was.

The Mandalorian remained silent, though came to the same disappointing revelation. Staring on at the near frozen ghost town and devising a plan of action. From afar he established no signs of immediate danger, though he knew better than to make premature assumptions — this was the outer rim after all, they didn't care for law and order; and they certainly didn't care if things got messy.

Both ended up behind small wooden buildings and housing. Kallista couldn't help but notice the eeriness that surrounded the area. The entire street seemed to be deserted or in some sort of foreclosure.

The weather perhaps? Was a storm brewing? Kallista hoped not. The last time a sky crackled and groaned they got stranded in a sandstorm on Tatooine. The girl swore she would never step foot on the maker forsaken planet again after that, though given the nature of their occupation it was very likely they'd end up tracking a bounty there in the near future.

S⃟o⃟m⃟e⃟t⃟h⃟i⃟n⃟g⃟ J⃟u⃟s⃟t⃟ L⃟i⃟k⃟e⃟ T⃟h⃟i⃟s⃟ - ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀɴᴅᴀʟᴏʀɪᴀɴ (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now