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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔉𝔦𝔵𝔢
ʀɪᴅɪɴɢ ʟᴇssᴏɴs

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┊  ★           ★  ┊
☆                  ☆

On the planet of Arvada-7, greyish-orange rocks spiked up from the thick blanket of golden sand, stretching out as far as Kallista could see, which admittedly wasn't very far. Due to the fact that she was restricted to the confines of the ship, which was absolutely roasting. The ship's filtering system was clearly failing, probably malfunctioning due to the heat. She could practically feel the warm air radiating through the ship from outside. She wondered how her guardian coped with all that armour, though knowing him he probably had some fancy mechanisms that prevented him from being affected by extreme climates.

She had been sitting in her chair for what felt like days, though in reality it was only a couple minutes. If she was being honest, she was slightly worried for her guardian, as he was yet to return, he hadn't even radioed in. scouting their surroundings never usually took him very long, then again, this wasn't familiar terrain, so she'd give him a few minutes leeway.

Kallista waited for a few more minutes until she grew tired of sitting in the sweltering heat and decided to retreat to the hull of the ship where it would hopefully be cooler. Hot air rises, and the very top of the ship was boiling, and the windows in the cockpit weren't helping, only heating up the room quicker and the ventilation was very poor. So poor that she was struggling to breath in there. She peeled herself from her chair, straightening her back and stretching her aching muscles. It seemed her body had taken now as the chance to fall asleep; she had almost toppled over when she couldn't feel her foot. She stretched her seized muscles, then let out a content sigh. Stretching always felt good for some bizarre reason. She grabbed her jacket and quickly slipped it on, before leaving the cockpit.

She ventured through the ship, slid down the ladder, without falling this time (a miracle, she knew), until she had settled by the open ramp.

She peeked outside, looking around for her guardian. The blazing sun hindered her vision momentarily before she spotted him standing atop a small incline with his rifle in hand, scouting the area. She was about to go and join him however quickly decided against it when she saw a huge rhino-like creature hurtling towards him.


He quickly spun around, however not fast enough as the creature had already booted him a few feet into the air and then dragged him through the mud. He activated his flame thrower to try and ward off the beast, though it appeared unfazed, as it didn't seem to be threatened by the burning flames. Instead, it looked as if it further provoked it.

Her guardian tried to get back to his feet, though he was roughly slammed back into the ground, the impact surely winding him. Oooh, that's gotta hurt.

Kallista considered helping however she had no intention of dying today so she kept a safe distance away. She was sure that he would be able to handle himself, hopefully.

The Mandalorian, obviously short on options, turned to his ward. "Are you going to help?"

The girl shook her head with a slight laugh, she had to admit, it really was quite a humorous sight to take in. She really was enjoying this far too much. "Oh no. This is far more entertaining."

S⃟o⃟m⃟e⃟t⃟h⃟i⃟n⃟g⃟ J⃟u⃟s⃟t⃟ L⃟i⃟k⃟e⃟ T⃟h⃟i⃟s⃟ - ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀɴᴅᴀʟᴏʀɪᴀɴ (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now