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sᴘʀɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ᴛʀᴀᴘ - ᴏʙɪ ᴡᴀɴ ᴋᴇɴᴏʙɪ


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┊  ★           ★  ┊
☆                  ☆

Kallista watched as Kuiil faded into the distance. She would miss him, he was nice. The girl turned back to her guardian, waiting for the next instructions. She had assumed she wasn't going into the encampment with him.

The Mandalorian had already dismounted his Blurrg and was checking he had everything. He walked over to Kallista, and helped her down, setting her gently on the floor. His hand landed on her shoulder as he asked. "You ready?"

Kallista nodded and they both made their way over to the ledge that overlooked the encampment below.

The Mandalorian laid down on the rock, looking over the area with his small telescope, as Kallista tried to get comfortable and wipe off as much sand as she could. Though her attempts were in vain as wiping the sand off only seemed to attract more. She sighed testily and went back to looking at the scene below them.

Barely a second had passed, until Din let out a sigh of annoyance. "Oh no."

Kallista looked at her guardian, then back to the scene in front of her. "What?" She questioned, curious as to what had irritated him this time.

He simply passed her his telescope, giving her the chance to look around. "Bounty Droid."

Kallista nodded in understanding, and soon found herself becoming annoyed as well. Bloody Bounty droids, what a nuisance. They had people that were employed to do their job. What was their significance? Did they really do a better job than experienced fighters and hunters? Then again, they were programmed for such use, and they probably did a better job than some so-called "Bounty Hunters".

The bounty droid gained the attention of the Nikto Mercenaries below, its robotic voice echoing around the encampment. "Subparagraph 16 of the Bondsman Guild protocol waiver compels you to immediately produce said asset."

One of the mercenaries drew their blaster, however, the IG unit had anticipated their movements and shot not only them, but a few others that had since revealed themselves. The remaining few immediately scuttled, heading for safety inside of the encampment opposed to patrolling outside it.

The Mandalorian, taking that as his signal to go, rose to his feet. He sighed - a thing that he did regularly, and a habit that Kallista had now picked up. "Droids."

Din didn't want Kallista getting involved now that a bounty droid was involved, though ultimately, he knew his efforts would be futile. The girl never did as she was told, and he couldn't do anything about it now. He could only hope that she would take his word as gospel and stay out of the way. With a that in mind, he hastily addressed the young girl. "Kallie, stay here. I don't want you to have moved from that spot until I'm back, you understand?"

Kallista attempted to argue with her guardian, but he was already sliding down the sand dunes. "What? Din!"

All she could do was watch helplessly as her guardian crept along the outside walls, pursuing the bounty droid. The girl let out a tired huff, resting her chin in the palm of her hand — she had a bad feeling about this.

S⃟o⃟m⃟e⃟t⃟h⃟i⃟n⃟g⃟ J⃟u⃟s⃟t⃟ L⃟i⃟k⃟e⃟ T⃟h⃟i⃟s⃟ - ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴀɴᴅᴀʟᴏʀɪᴀɴ (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now