Chapter 4

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Danielle's POV

As I was getting ready I started to thing about seeing my best friend after a hundred yeats. I actually can't believe it's been so long. She and I would always hang out in the garden of the Salvatore house I don't know why but I always had a special connection to nature. It's probably because me and my mom would hang out and make flower crowns in the garden before she died. When my mother died I had to take the responsibility of being the only women in this family.

I was even close to being wed off to someone rich because my father wanted our family name to stay respected and be the most powerful family there was in Mystic Falls.

My mother didn't really care about that stuff she believed that if you get married it would be for love like in those disney movies.

But after my first heartbreak I never really believed in love again. What happened may you ask well that is a story for another day for now I am just going to focus on being happy with my best friend and brothers along with Caroline.


When I finished getting ready I went down stairs to announce my presence but I heard my brothers arguing. "What the hell is all this arguing about"

"Well little sister since you asked so nicely Stefan here doesn't want me to kill Katherine"

"Do you care to explain yourself Stefan"

"He didn't let me finish my sentence I was going to say you're not gonna kill Katherine because I am" During the argument neither of them turned to look at me so I cleared my throat so they could pay attention to my appearance and let me just say the way their mouth dropped at my appearance I almost burst into laughter.
(Outfit above)
"Ok big brothers which one of you is going to be my escort to this dumbass masquerade ball"

"That would be me little sister" they both said at the same time.

"Well don't mind if I do I have two escorts damn I feel special"

"Well you will have to have both of us with that outfit you're wearing wouldn't want any boys giving my little sister lust filled eyes otherwise I would have to rip their eyes out of their sockets." said Damon.

"Yeah well when I win this bet you won't have to continue this big brother act you keep putting up we both know you don't give two shits about me and my love life"

"How could you think that I will always care for you just because I don't show it doesn't mean that I don't love you I promised mom to take care of you before she died and I plan on completing my promise to her"

"So you just care for me because you promised mom to take care of me"

"No that not what I meant to say, what I meant to say was that I do love you because you are my only little sister and don't tell Stefan but you are my favorite sibling too"

"Hello I am right here"

"Oh yeah I forgot you were still here my bad"

"Ok enough of this shit before I start to cry and ruin my makeup that took me an hour to finish"

"Yeah let's get going before we arrive late to Katherine's funeral"


As we arrive to the Lockwood mansion I can hear music playing in the background and people talking and laughing at some lame ass joke that their friend was telling. As soon as I walked in I felt eyes on me I guess that's what I get for being so gorgeous. I can also hear my dimwit brothers start to growl and glare at all the boys that stared to long, gosh over protective brothers am I right.

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