Chapter 9

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Danielle's POV

Today as I was getting ready for school I decided to call my friend.
(Danielle's friend)

(Eiza Gonzales as Lorena Marshall)

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(Eiza Gonzales as Lorena Marshall)

"Hey bitch como estas" (how are you)

"Estoy bien Elle a donde estas" (I'm good Elle where are you)

"I'm here in Mystic Falls, I'm helping my brothers with a problem I was wondering if you wanted to come for a visit"

"Por supuesto que si, I would never miss the opportunity to see my favorite vampire"(of course I will)

"Of course I'm your favorite vampire, just like you are my favorite werewolf"

"Any ways where are you Lorena"

"I'm in Mexico City"

"Y que ases alla, you know you're not supposed to go back there" (and what are you doing over there)

"Oh you know the usual just trying to find out if anybody has anything on my sister I haven't seen her in years"

"Well maybe she just doesn't want to be found"

"La verdad no se, I feel like she just doesn't want to see me any more"(honestly I don't know)

" Well she would be stupid to not want to see you, you are by far the best person I know"

"Yeah I know and thank you for that, I'll see you when I get there I love you"

"Love you too chica I'll see you soon in Mystic Falls"

After we hung up I started getting ready for my day. (Outfit above)

When I was done getting ready I noticed that I was late for school

"Fuck Stefan me va a matar" (Stefan is going to kill me)


As I got to school I got a couple compliments here and there, I was a blushing mess once I got to Alaric's class. When I walked into class Alaric asked,

"Ok class what are we learning today"
That's weird Rick usually remembers everything he is teaching. As I take a seat at my desk I see Rick looking at me.

"Oh sorry I'm late Rick- I mean Mr. Saltzman"

"It's okay.... " does he seriously not remember my name.


"Yes of course Danielle my bad, I woke up in the wrong side of the bed today" said Alaric/Klaus.

"With the decade dance coming up we have been covering the 60's" said Dana.

"Right the sixties, eh the sixties wish there was something good I could say about the sixties. Actually kind of sucked except for the Beatles of they made it bare able" I don't know what is up with Alaric but he doesn't really seem to be in his right mind.

"Uh what else was there, the human missile thing, the we walked on the moon, the watergate"

"The watergate was the 70's Rick" interrupted Elena. Everyone looked at her weirdly for calling him Rick so she corrected her self.

"I mean Mr. Saltzman"

"Right kind of mushes together up here 60's and 70's, thank you Elena" Damn so he can remember that bitch's name but not mine.


As me, Bonnie, and Elena where sitting at a table Dana came up to us.

"Hey there you are Elena, Danielle ok so this might sound weird but this totally hot guy asked me if to tell you guys if you are going to the dance tonight"

"Tell him that Elena has a boyfriend and that Elle is not interested" responded Bonnie for the both of us.

"Oh come on you can at least meet him, his name is Klaus I mean the name is weird but I swear he is hot"

"Wait I'm sorry did you say Klaus" asked a worried Elena.


"Where is he is he here" asked Bonnie.

"I don't know"

"She's being compelled guys" I told them.


Once we got home Damon and Stefan where going all big brother mode on me.

"Ok that's it you are not stepping another foot out side of this house"

"Chill guys he wasn't even there he compelled someone to do it besides we don't even know if he is actually going to be at the dance tonight he might just be doing it to frighten us and by the looks of it, it's working."

"Ok so what if he shows up at tonight's dance what is the plan of attack" as we were about to discuss the plan Alaric walked in thru the door.

"Sorry I'm late"

"Perfect timing I need you to put me down on the chaperone lists Klaus made his first move"

"Ok back to the important topic how are we going to stop Klaus"said Elena

" me I'm the plan he has no idea how much power I can channel if he shows up I can kill him"said Bonnie

"I mean I don't think it will be that easy he is the biggest baddest vampire around" Alaric just keeps getting weirder and weirder.

"No he is right I mean what if he-" he rushed up to Bonnie only to get thrown back by a sudden force.

"Yay do it again, again please" I said while clapping my hands like a child.

"Well I was impressed" said Stefan.

"See I can take down Klaus I promise Elena I can do this"

"No Bonnie I can't risk you getting hurt because of me"

"Ok don't you get it dopple-whore that not everything is about you, your life is not the only life in danger here so stop being so self centered and focus on other people other than yourself" I told Elena.

"Ok, ok whatever break it up ladies, we already have a plan just go to the dance and if he shows up we will use Bonnie"

"No Damon there is no way I am letting Bon-Bon get hurt"

"Whatever let's just get this show on the road" said Damon.


AN/ ok so that is it for today's chapter sorry it is kind of short I'm trying to go to bed already or else I'll get cranky in the morning but anyways that is the update for today I hope you enjoyed it.

Goodbye my lovelies,

Love Daniela❤

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