Chapter 5

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Danielle's POV

As I woke up from being knocked out unconscious I could hear two people having a conversation and me being me decided to eaves drop on their conversation like the nosy person I am.

"He's here this was a mistake"

"No I told you I would get us out of this you have to trust me" just then I noticed that Elena was sitting next to me on the nasty sofa I was seated in.

"No, he wants me dead rose"

"He wants her more"

"I can't do this you give her to him, but I need to get out of here"

"Hey what are we"

"Where family forever"

"Your scared"

"Way to state the obvious Elena"

"Stay here with them and don't make a sound"

While she was walking to the front door I grabbed my bag that was on the floor next to the couch. While I was changing I was also listening into her conversation with this someone they are afraid of. Just in case your wondering no I found a room close to where we were being kept and changed I didn't want Trevor looking at Mr like the creep he is.
{Outfit above}

"Rose Marie, is there somewhere we can talk"

"Yes in here, you'll ha- have to forgive the house"

"Oh no what's a little dirt, I completely understand. So tell me what is it that gives you the courage to call me"

"I have a doppelganger"

"That's impossible, her family line ended with her I know that for a fact"

"Well the facts are wrong" I heard then come closer to where we were being hidden.

"Well show her to me" well shit we are about to be discovered by whoever this is. I saw a man dressed in a suit very fashionable I wonder if he always wears a suit. He vamps up to Elena and smells her neck to see if she was actually human.

"Human, that's impossible"

"That's Edward Cullen creep level" I slapped my hand on my mouth when I realized I had said that out loud. He looked over at me curiously as if he hadn't seen me when he walked in which he probably didn't because he was to focused on Elena.

"And who are you"

"Oh I was just there at the wrong place wrong time you know no witnesses aloud when committing a kidnap"

"Ah I see, well we have a long journey ahead of us we should be going

"Please don't let him take me"

"Jeeze thanks for mentioning me Elena"

"One last piece of business and were done"he left Elena's side and walked up to Trevor.

" I have waited so long for this day elijah I am truly very sorry"

"Oh you're apology is not necessary"

"Yes, yes it is you trusted me with Katerina and I failed you"

"Oh yes you are the guilty one and Rose aided you because she was loyal now that I honor, were was you're loyalty"

I had a really bad feeling something was going to happen.

"I beg you're forgivene-" he was cut of by Elijah chopping his head off honestly that was amazing I want to learn how to do that, it was still scary though.

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