Everyday Morning With An Unwanted Surprise

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The alarm on my phone that I set every morning goes off, that is the sound I dread most in this world. I literally have to force myself out of bed and into the bathroom to get ready. I repeat my usual routine for each morning, get up, brush my teeth, wash my face, apply deodorant, then I style my hair perfectly. Well, almost perfectly. Anyway, when I look in the mirror, I think to myself, wow I almost look kinda pretty today. That moment is gone right after I slip my glasses on. I look in the mirror and instantly regret it. I hate the way I look with glasses! I would get contacts, but that's the other problem, I'm the biggest scaredy cat around here. Seriously, I'm fifteen years old and when I have to get a shot at the doctor's office, they have to call for three other nurse to hold me down to five my the shot. My thoughts are interrupted when my dad shouts that it's time to go or else we won't be able to stop to get that our nutritious breakfast, which in this house is a.k.a McDonald's.

"It's time to go Kimberly," shouted my dad. "You've been in that bathroom forever! We are going to be late."

I step out of the bathroom ready to go in my school uniform and my hair tied back in a pony tail.

"You look beautiful, sweetheart," said my dad.

"Thanks," I muttered, though I knew he only said that because he's my dad and he kinda has to say it.

As we drive to McDonald's we just sit in silence, that's another thing about me, I'm a little bit of a quiet person. I'm really shy, although sometimes I pretend I'm not and try to be perky, but then peolple just think I'm annoying. There is literally no in between with this crowd.

We finally pull into the McDonald's and order our usual breakfast, sausage Mcmuffin and a hash brown cake. I feel a little bit guilty eating this stuff because I'm not the skinniest person. I'm not fat or overweight, but I could definitely shed a few pounds. While I eat my breakfast I think about the day ahead of me. I think about if I'll have a conversation with Harry Styles, my crush since the day school started. Or if I'll flunk that test in Math, or how I'll do on my science presentation. I just can't wait to get to school to meet up with my best friend Louis. Yes, he is a boy, and no, he is not my boyfriend. When I finish my breakfast fit for a champion and throw my trash away, my dad and I head off to school, which conviently is not even five minutes away.

While going throught the drop off line I see Louis and his fraternal twin Liam just two cars ahead of us. I want to jump out of the car right then and there so I could walk in with him, but the cars already started moving. So I would have to walk in alone, which didn't really bother me, I would see him in a few minutes. I give my dad a goodbye kiss on the cheek, which I might add, I think I am getting a little too old for considering I am in 10th grade, but he insists, and a quick goodbye. I run into school not even waiting a second to tell the little fifth grade safety patroller thank you for helping open my car doors. I'm half way to the gate when I stop dead in my tracks, I see a familiar figure in front of me and my heart skips a beat, its Harry. My sweet Har-

My thoughts are cut off when I see that his arm is Cassidy Meyers, the most popular girl in school. Words cannot describe the feeling I get whenever I see her. We have avoided each other since the 3rd grade, we were best friends and so she knew that I had a crush on Harry. She tripped me in front of Harry and his friends and I fell face first in the mud, to this day, I still don't know what her motivation was.

They have their arms wrapped around each other talking to Zayn Malik, the quiet brainiac of the class. Why are they talking to him, I think to myself. I decide to try and walk by the group quickly hoping that they won't see the hurt look on my face. But I was too late, Cassidy had already spotted me and had a huge smirk on her face. I just lift my head up higher and walk faster hoping to find Louis soon. I spot him by the drinking fountain, I am about to walk over, when I hear my name being called in an annoyingly fake high pitch voice.

"Kimmy," shouted Cassidy.

"Hello, Cassidy," I say in the sweetest voice I can muster while speaking to my mortal enemy, I don't want to start a big arguement with Harry standing right here. "Is there something I can help you with?"

"Oh, nothing," replied Cassidy sweetly, "I just, I saw you walking away with a distressed look on your face, is there something wrong,"

"No," I replied through my teeth. "I have to get to class"

And with that I turned around and marched over to Louis, but not before hearing Harry say

"C'mon Cass, I'll walk you to French class"

Cass? Cass! Since when does he give her a nickname? And why does he need to walk her to class? It's not like her legs are broken, and even if they were, he shouldn't! What does he see in her, I asked myself.

Well, she is prettier, she's on the cheer team and you're not, she gets good grades, and her family has money.

My subconcious responded.

Yikes! What is wrong with me! I'm having a conversation with myself! I have got to find Louis, I know I can can always count on him to cheer me up, I thought to myself. Louis is always cracking jokes.

I find Louis walking into homeroom, and I follow right behind him. Thank goodness we have almost all the same classes. I don't know what I would do without Louis. I know for a fact he would be just fine without me, everyone loves Louis because he is so funny and outgoing.

When I walk in Louis is surrounded by a group of laughing students, like every morning. I walk up to him and he smiles at me.

"Hey Kims," says Louis, "What's going on?"

"Oh, nothing much," I respond, "did you know that Cassidy and Harry are like a thing now?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that. I found out over Facebook last night, I didn't have the heart to tell you," said Louis

Of course it would be on Facebook for everyone to see, except me of course. I'm like the only one without a Facebook here at this school,

"It's fine, I don't really care," I reply, even though we both know that it isn't fine and that I really do care.

The bell rings and it's time for class, it's time to focus, but all I can focus on is Harry and Cassidy. The only reason that she is prettier is because she wears so much makeup, I reassure myself. I'm sure that without all of that makeup she would be like me, plain features with light acne. Who am I kidding, she would be drop dead beautiful with or without makeup. She was like a barbie doll, blonde hair with natural highlights, sunkist skin, and crystal blue eyes. While I was just another ragdoll compared to her, I had brown wavy hair, pale skin, and brown eyes. My thoughts are interrupted when the teacher calls my name.

"Do you know the answer Ms. Spade," asked Mr. Eagle.

All eyes are on me. I have no idea what to do. I don't know what topic we were discussing let alone the question. Mr. Eagle lifts his brow waiting for me to answer.

"52?" I answer though it comes out more like a question.

"No, Ms Spade, I am sorry to tell you, we are not in math class. This is History, we are talking about your ancestors here, so please pay attention," replied Mr. Eagle.

A few giggles escaped the back of the room, at least Cassidy isn't in this class I thought. Louis gave me a sympathetic smile. I just wanted to sink into this chair.

Finally lunch comes around, I see Harry and Cassidy sitting together holding hands while they eat.

"It's disgusting," I spit.

"Kims, you've said that about a hundred times," says Louis from across the table.

"I know, it just-

"I know Kims, it's hard to see the guy you have loved since the first day of kindergarten date your mortal enemy," Louis states.

Louis knows me so well.

When the end of the day finally rolls around, I'm in a horrible mood and end up just hiding in my room for the rest of the night listening to my favorite band, Cardinal Directions.

Tomorrow will be better I promise myself.

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