Restaurant Scene

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"Wow, Ms. Moneybags I see," said Louis. "Why do we have to go somewhere so expensive, I mean I know my good behavior is something to celebrate, but can we celebrate a little bit cheaper?"

"No," I say, "Niall's going on a "date" with this stuck up girl Alyssa and I want to spy on them."

"You and Niall broke up?" Louis asked.

"No, well yes, kinda, maybe, I don't know. It's hard to explain," I say. "I'll tell, you the story on the way to the restaurant, meet me there in 2 hours."

"Fine, but I'm eating before I go because there is no way I'm paying like sixty dollars just for pasta," said Louis.

2 hours later

While Louis drove to Francesca's I told him all about Niall's songwriter Alyssa, I might have made her sound worse than she actually was, but she deserved it. Bf stealer, I think to myself.

Right when we walk in I catch a glimpse of blonde hair and see that it is connected to my boyfriend! He's sitting with this beautiful girl. So that must be Alyssa, I think to myself. She really was beautiful. She had long wavy blonde hair with natural highlights, beautiful crystal blue eyes, high cheek bones, and a nice even tan. Louis catches me staring, he obviously sees my insecurity because he speaks up.

"Wow, he chose to take a girl looking like that out," he scoffs, "what a loser."

I know Louis is just trying to make me feel better, but it just makes me feel worse. I know now how beautiful this Alyssa girl really is, I can't help but compare myself to her. I knew this would happen some day, I would wake up from this fairytale dream of having this perfect boyfriend, I remind myself.

The hostess snaps me back to attention.

"We have a table for two ready, please follow me," she says. "You guys are such a cute couple, how long have you been together?"

Louis and I shift awkwardly. "Oh no, we're not" we both say at the same time.

"We're just friends," I say.

"Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry," the hostess gushes.

"Oh no, really it's fine," I say.

Finally  we are seated at our table, our hostess runs back to her position with an embarrassed look on her face. I felt a little bit bad for her, I mean I could see how Louis and I could look like we're dating. I couldn't ever imagine dating Louis. With me being an only child, Louis is like my brother. I laugh a little bit at the thought of dating Louis.

"What's so funny," Louis asks.

I hadn't noticed  I laughed out loud.

"Oh nothing," I respond.

"Aw come on, I'm you best friend, you can tell me," said Louis.

"Ok, I was laughing at the thought that some of these people think that we are dating," I say.

"Ouch, I'm hurt," said Louis with a pretend look of shock on his face, "we would have made a great couple."

I laugh a little bit more. I always did love Louis for his humor. I continue talking to Louis until I remember why I'm here in the first place. Niall! I remember. I silently thank the hostess for putting us at a table with a clear view of Niall and Alyssa.

I watch as Alyssa noticeably flirts with my bf. I continue to get more aggravated. Louis sees me looking and follows my gaze. All of a sudden I see Alyssa scoot her chair closer to Niall and start playing with his hair, I can see Niall get a little but uncomfortable, but he doesn't make a move to stop her. That's it I think to myself, I get out of my chair thinking, oh yeah, this is totally business related. I hear Louis shout my name, but I tune him out. I'm focused on one thing and one thing only, getting this brat off my bf.

When I finally make it to their table, Niall looks shocked, while Alyssa just looks annoyed. I walk up to Alyssa's chair and yank it back, away from my bf. I notice some other people start to stare in my direction, but I couldn't care less.

"Stay away from my boyfriend," I shout in Alyssa's face.

"Ha!" Alyssa responds, "this is your girlfriend?" She asks Niall pointing to me. "Wow, when you said you had a girlfriend I thought she would have at least been a little bit better looking. Come on Niall, you can do so much better," she said scooting closer to Niall again.

I yank her chair back again.

"Oh my gosh, could you please leave us alone," she asked annoyed.

Who does this girl thinks she is? I couldn't believe the things coming out of her mouth! Suddenly Cassidy seemed like an angel.

"Oh," I say, "Niall did mention me, well you obviously didn't get the hint that you aren't welcome, now stay away from my boyfriend!"

She only smirked, "oh honey, we work together, that's not gonna happen. You should get used to this, once your precious boyfriend becomes a celebrity every pretty girl on this earth will be after him. If you can't even hold that little jealousy trait intact then your gonna have some serious problems sweetums."

I couldn't believe my ears. A small part of me knew she was right, but the rest of my body kept trying to deny it. I couldn't help myself, I lunged at her. And what was Niall doing this whole time? That's right, just sitting there. He never once stood up for me! Before I could tackle Alyssa to the ground, two arms grabbed hold of me. I expected them to be Niall, but I was genuinely surprised to see that these arms were attached to Louis. I never realized how strong he actually was until now when I tried to wrestle my way out of his grip.

"Let go of me!" I shouted over and over again.

"Help! This girl tried to attack me! help!" Alyssa helplessly begged.

Wow,I thought to myself. A good actress and a songwriter. Along with being a supermodel, this girl was a triple threat!

The restaurant staff come over and politely ask me to leave. I turn to do so, but not before turning to Niall.

"Thanks, for being a great boyfriend and sticking up for me," I say.

The last things I see are Niall's stunned face and Alyssa's smirk.

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