Talent Show Sign Ups

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As I am walking out of Biology, I see a figure coming out of the girls' restroom comes walking out, it takes me a minute before I realize it's Cassidy.

"Hey," Cassidy says,"I want to thank you, I've been nothing but horrible to you, and then you take the blame for something I did, and now you're going to get suspended all because of me."

"Cassidy," I reply slowly, "I not going to get suspended, I was let off with a warning too."

"Really, why," she said through sniffles.

I hadn't realized she was crying until now. I never thought I would ever see Cassidy Meyers in this position. I feel awkward and not really sure what to do, so I just stick to

"Well, we should get to class. I'll see you later," I say walking away quickly.

"Wait, Kimberly. We have art class together, mind if I walk with you," asks Cassidy slowly.

I didn't know what to say. I didn't really want to walk with Cassidy, she did apologize, but it still takes time for me to forgive all of the awful things she did to me. I also knew the walk together would be extremely awkward, but I also didn't want to be rude and say no.

"Sure," I say, not knowing what else I can say.

"Thanks," she replies with a small smile.

Just like I thought, the walk to art class was extremely awkward, both of us not knowing what to say. When we finally get to class, I immediately spot Niall and take a seat next to him.

"Hey, what happened? The whole school is buzzing saying that you and Cassidy got into a fight and she hit you! Is that true?" asks Niall.

"Yeah, but it's no big deal. Plus, after she hit me, we worked out our differnces," I reply.

"Wait, so you guys are like friends now?" ask Niall.

"Well, I mean not exactly friends exactly, but she's not out to ruin my life anymore, so I guess if that's what you call friends, then yes, we are friends," I say.

"So all it took was a slap in the face to work out your differences?" he says jokingly.

I give a tiny smile.

After art class, Niall and I walk out into the halls. I see a poster for the talent show hanging up on the wall.

"So, have you made up your mind if you're going to do the talent show or not?" I ask Niall.

"Yeah, you know, I think I'm going to do it," says Niall.

"Really," I ask excitedly, " I can't wait! What are you going to sing? Auditions are in two days and the actual talent show is next week! I can't wait."

"Actually, I've been working on a song of my own," Niall said.

"OMG! I can't wait to hear it, you know Louis and I wouldn't miss it for the world!" I say.

"Thanks! I'm lucky to have friends like you," says Niall, "Come on let's get to lunch I'm starving, I haven't eaten in like ten minutes."

I laugh, Niall just has a way of always lifting my spirits.

When we sit down with Louis at lunch, he as usual, has a list of questions about what happened between me and Cassidy. I tell them everything, except my conversation with Principal Stanley.

"Yeah, and then she started apologizing for everything. The crazy thing is, she kept saying that I was the one getting all the guys, she actually seemed insecure about herself. Which is just weird, you know, I mean she's beautiful and rich and on the cheer team. How does she of all people have inseurities," I ramble on.

"You still don't get it do you, Kims." says Louis.

"Don't get what Louis?" I asked quite puzzled my Louis and Niall's reaction.

"Beauty isn't always on the outside. We've been over this a million times," says Niall. "This is what I never get about girls, they think they have to look perfect or guys won't like that."

"Uhum, Harry," I speak up.

"Yeah, well Harry is a whole other story. But seriously Kims, guys like the all natural thing, and sometimes girls like Cassidy, who try too hard to be perfect, have more insecurities than you would think," said Niall.

"Kims?," I say, "Only Louis calls me that."

"Sorry, just thought I would test it out. I thought we could, you know, have cute little nicknames," says Niall, "okay, so anyways, beauty is on the inside, seriously."

I decided to agree, just to end the conversation.

"So, Louis, what's going on with you and Ella?" I decide to shift the conversation to someone else.

"It's going great, we have a date set up for tomorrow night. I'm going to take her out to mini golf and dinner," Louis said.

For the rest of lunch we talk about Louis and Ella, the date, how to act, what restaurant to take her to, and ship names-which were very hard to come up with. Lella? Eouis? See, kinda difficult.

When we are walking out we see the sign up sheet for the talent show.

"Alright Niall, you could totally beat all of these people," I say scanning the list. My eyes stop at one name, Harry.

Harry? I think to myself. He always thought these things were lame. I never knew he could sing, maybe he can't, I think to myself.

Once Niall signs up, we part ways and get to class. Finally the day comes to a close. When I get home, I head straight to my room and turn on Cardinal Directions.I decide to try to catch up on some homework. I've been so caught up with Harry and Niall that I am a week behind on all my homework, so you can imagine the stack of papers I had ahead of me. It's hard to focus on my homework, I just keep thinking about what Niall said. Beauty is on the inside. Yeah, well, everyone says that. All the guys say that and then go out and date supermodels. Hypocrites.

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