Carnival Date

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When Monday finally rolls around, I head straight for Louis and Niall. I avoid all eye contact and gestures with Harry. When I reach the two boys, I see Niall comforting Louis,

"Louis," I ask," what's wrong?"

"Well, Ella's back at school. I tried apologizing to her, but she wouldn't listen. She runs away from me every time she sees me!" said Louis. "This is my first girlfriend, and I totally screwed up!"

I look to Niall for support, but he just shrugs his shoulders.

"You know what," I say,"you should go on one of those dating websites for teens!"

"I don't know," said Louis,"I don't think I'm ready, I don't want what happened with Ella to happen again."

"That's why you need to go out with another girl," I say,"so next time, you won't be as nervous."

"Um, Kimberly, I don't think that would be a very good idea," said Niall.

I ignored Niall and tried to keep convincing Louis to sign up on a teen dating website. Niall tries to speak up again, but again, I ignore him. I know for a fact that Louis needs a compatible female partner, Niall might think that he knows Louis better because he's a boy, but believe me, I've known Louis for 10 years. Plus, now that I'm with Niall, I'm not going to leave Louis all alone with nobody to hang out with.

After the third time of trying to speak up, Niall gives up.

"Alright," said Louis,"it can't hurt to try."

"Yay!" I say, jumping up and down. "We'll set up your profile at lunch."

Niall looks totally defeated. I have to talk to him about that record deal, I remind myself, and get his phone number. He doesn't seem too mad at me, so I guess we're okay now. I have to stop getting so worked up over every little fight we have, that's what happens in relationships, people fight.

When lunch rolls around, I already have my laptop out and ready.

"Alright," I say to Louis,"what do you want your username to be?"

Niall sits down next to me, still having a defeated look on his face.

"Uhhhh, how about LouistheFly? or Manofyourdreamz? or-" says Louis.

"Uh, how about no," I interrupt. "You can't sound too egotistical, then you won't get any girls. We'll go with LouisTommo."

"LouisTommo? Why?" asked Louis.

"Because your middle name is Tom and you don't want to put Payne. We don't want the girl to have too much information about you until you guys meet," I respond.

"Okay, fine," said Louis.

We end up filling in most of the information required for a profile, and by we, I mean me. We finish at Louis's house after school. Except a profile picture, we wanted it to look perfect, so we planned to take one later on.

"Alright, we're all done, except the pic," I say triumphantly.

Louis seems really excited.

"Now Louis," I say,"don't get too excited, a girl might not message you for weeks, or possibly months. We don't even have a picture uploaded for you yet."

As if on cue, my laptop beeps. Niall, Louis and I rush over to it.

"Oh my gosh, Louis! A girl already
messaged you! And you don't even have a picture of yourself uploaded!" I practically scream.

"Nice going man," said Niall.

"Alright," I say,"it looks like a girl called CJM709 messaged you."

You sound like a really fun guy, I'd love to meet up with you :)

"What do I say?" Louis asks frantically.

"Louis," I say, calm down. This girl obviously likes you for who you are, I mean come on, you don't even have a picture uploaded yet! She has no idea what you look like, yet she wants to meet up with you! I mean, come on, who does that!"

"Exactly," said Niall,"who does do that? How do we know this is safe for Louis? She doesn't have a profile picture uploaded yet either."

"You're right," I say,"which is why we will accompany Louis to his date. Then, when we see her and meet her, we'll leave them to have their little date. Plus, we'll make sure that they are in a very public area, so she doesn't try anything. See, I care about my BFF too."

Niall rolls his eyes a little bit, but then smiles at me.

"Alright," I say," message her that you'll meet her at the school carnival by the Ferris wheel at 5:30 tomorrow night."

"The carnival?" asks Louis, very skeptical.

"Yesssss," I reply with utter certainty,"that way you can win her prizes from the game booths and ride the Ferris wheel with her, very romantic. Plus, after Niall and I leave you with this mystery girl, we'll go out and have fun, and Niall will do everything I just told you to do with this mystery girl."

"Oh, I am?" Niall looks at me.

"Of course you are, we've only gone on one date, and I always thought that a carnival would be a romantic date," I reply.

"Okay," said Niall shrugging his shoulders,"I don't mind carnivals, and if it makes my gf happy, then I like them even more."

I blush at the mention of him calling me his gf. Then I turn my attention back to Louis and his mysterious girl. After he sends his message, the girl responds instantly

Great! I can't wait to meet you ;)

"Omg!" I scream,"this is going I be amazing!!"

The next day

"Alright," I say,"come on Louis! You're going to be late! You have two minutes
Until you are meeting CJM507! And we aren't even in the car yet!"

"Ugh, I'm sorry. I'm just really nervous!" Said Louis.

"Come on, let's just go!" I say.

We jump in the car and race to the carnival. When we reach the carnival we run to the Ferris wheel.

"How will I know who CJM507 is?" asks Louis.

"Well, I'm guessing it's the girl holding up the sign "CJM507"" said Niall.

"Perfect!" I scream.

I start running up to the girl, her back still faced to us. She looks like a pretty little blonde girl, I think to myself. I stop dead in my tracks when she turns around.


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