I Stand Up For Cassidy

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I felt good knowing that Louis and I would both have good partners to hang out with and someone we can count on. I still felt a little conflicted on who I should pick. I decided to stick with Niall for now though. I know for a fact that Harry would dump me once he got tired of me, or if he found out that I was never going back to the new Kimberly. Then out of no where, while I'm sitting by myself on a bench in the courtyard, I see Cassidy walking over toward me. Correct that, marching over toward me with a look on her face that could kill me on the spot. When she finally reached me, I decided to start the conversation.

"Cassie," I said in the fakest, sweetest voice I could, " is something wrong? You look a little distressed."

Suddenly I felt a sharp stinging pain on my right cheek. It took me a moment to realize that she slapped me!

" What was that Cassidy!" I scream.

"You know very well why I did that! You stole me boyfriend!" Cassidy shouted back.

By now a small group of students were forming a circle around us, though the circle was growing by the moment. Some people were even pulling out their phones to try and capture the moment between the most popular girl in school and the dorkiest girl. Wasn't much of a fight, too cliche, but maybe they were hoping that the underdog (a.k.a. me) was gonna strike back. Well, sorry to disappoint, but, even though it was tempting, violence wasn't my thing.

"How dare you flirt with Harry, what, was Niall not enough? You had to have both of the cutest guys fighting over you? It's always ever been about you! Ever since the first day of kindergarten, all the guys always liked you better than me! It's just not fair!" Cassidy shouted at me.

What was she talking about? She was always the one with a group of guys surrounding her trying o get her number. I was shocked, I never thought someone like Cassidy, who had everything that I could ever dream of, could have insecurities. This is like one of those cliché stories where the dorky girl and the popular girl become friends and the dorky girl ends up with the jock. Except this wasn't just a story, this was real life and I wasn't going to have some fairy godmother come and grant me wishes or some mythical creature thing that would somehow show me the right path to take.

"Cassidy," I finally say, "you were always the one the guys liked, I have no idea what you are talking about. And just FYI, I didn't flirt with your boyfriend. He came up to me."

"Harry would never do that to me," Cassidy says with a bit of insecurity.

I never in a million years would have thought that someone like Cassidy would ever have any problems, let alone a problem with insecurities. I mean what was there for her to be insecure about? She was beautiful and rich. She shouldn't have to worry about anything!

"Okay, well. It's your choice to believe me or not, but you should know that I would never do something like that." I say. I turn to walk away, but I stop when I hear Cassidy speak up.

"I'm sorry," she says, crying. "Kimberly, I am so sorry for everything I've ever done to you. I've acted horrible to ever since that day in third grade, and you've never done anything back to me. That's why I thought, well I thought maybe that was how you were going to get back at me for all these years. To steal Harry from me. I should have known that you would never do that. I know you're not like that, but, I don't know. It just seems easier to blame you for these things."

That was what I least expected to hear. Cassidy was apologizing to me! I couldn't believe this, after all these years she was actually apologizing. I was stunned. Before I could answer, principal Stanley comes rushing in between us. I guess someone told him that Cassidy slapped me because he walk right up to Cassidy and said

"Office, now."

Cassidy started walking away with principal Stanley.

"Stop," I called, "it was me, I slapped Cassidy because I thought she was spreading rumors about me. I know it looked like Cassidy slapped me, but it was actually me."

Cassidy looked at me with a shocked expression on her face. To be honest, I was just as shocked at my outburst. Now I know how Niall felt when he stood up for me, I thought.

"Well then Ms. Spade, you can join Ms. Meyers and I in my office.

I couldn't believe I was sticking up for the girl who treated my like trash for seven years, started dating the guy I liked for 10 years, and who just slapped me in the face. I really was losing my mind, I thought to myself.

We walked to Principal Stanley's office and took a seat. This is where I start freaking out. Oh no! I think to myself. What if I get suspended? What is I get expelled? I was getting really nervous.

"Alright girls, you know the school policy. I assume you read the handbook in the beginning of the year and know your punishment," Principal Stanley states.

I think about the sheet that I signed in the beginning of the year stating that I read the handbook form cover to cover-nobody actually reads the handbook, it's like one of those I read and agree to the terms and conditions kinda thing.

Cassidy and I nod saying that we both read the handbook and know what our punishment is. I know for a fact that Cassidy didn't read the handbook, so neither of us actually know what our punishment will be.

"So both of you girls know that any student this school faces two days of suspension for something like this. And Cassidy, you would be kicked off the cheer team," says Principal Stanley.

I turn look at Cassidy and find a horrified look on her face.

"Principal Stanley, please don't do this. I am so sorry, just please don't kick me off of the cheer team," Cassidy begged.

"You didn't let me finish, if you read the handbook you would know that before any of that happens, you get let off with a warning and two days of community service. Now Ms. Spade, you were already let off with a warning, but you didn't have go do any community service because what you did wasn't as severe," states Principal Stanley.

I look up with a horrified expression. I was going to get suspended for something I didn't even do!

"Ms. Meyers would you please return to class now so that I can talk to Ms. Spade alone," says Principal Stanley.

Cassidy gets up to leave and gives my an apologetic smile, one that I can't return. I am so nervous, I've never been in the principal's office alone, in fact this past week has been the first time I've gone when I went with Niall and now Cassidy. I turn to face Principal Stanley expecting to get suspended, instead I am surprised when he says

"You will not be suspended. I saw from my office window that Cassidy did in fact hit you, I know you said that it just looked like that, but my eyes aren't that old. I thought it was very brave of you to stand up for her, I don't know what the conversation was about, but I could tell by the end of it, when I got out there, you guys fixed some kind of argument that's been going on for quite a while. You may not think that the faculty notices the way these students are, but we see right through the phoney balonies. You will not be punished, but promise me this. The conversation we just had, let's keep it between us," said Principal Stanley.

I couldn't believe my luck, this had to be about the 100th time I was surprised this week.

"Thank you so much Principal Stanley," I say as I stand up to leave.

"Oh and Kimberly," Principal Stanley says, "I think you should stay away from that Harry guy, he's not the best person to be hanging out with."

I was shocked for the 101th time this week.

"Students aren't the only one with a Facebook, Kimberly," said Principal Stanley.

I was completely mortified. And with that, I rushed out of his office and hurried to my next class.

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