The Winner Is...

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I feel like my heart is going to stop beating, after I saw the woman look at Harry I knew that it was all over. I look to see if Niall noticed where she looked, but it didn't seem like it since he still had a hopeful look on his face. I didn't want to look at him and see his face when he heard Harry's name come from the woman's lips. I turn away from the stage, I didn't want to see the woman announce Harry the winner, or see Harry with a sickening, mocking grin on his face.

"The winner is," said the woman, still looking at Harry, "Niall Horan!"

I snap my head back in surprise almost breaking my neck. I look at Niall and see the brightest, biggest smile on his face. He looked so happy, it was the most beautiful sight I could ever see. I look over at Harry and see the deadliest glare that could ever be given. I turn around, not wanting to spoil my mood. I jump up and down with Niall and we share the biggest, tightest hug.

"Niall," said the woman, "we need to meet you behind the stage so that you can sign some contracts. We want all legal documents finalized soon so that we can get to work right away, since Simon over here couldn't get us an act on time. I do have to admit, it was worth the wait to have someone as talented as you join our company."

"Thank you so much for this opportunity," said Niall with a huge grin on his face.

I have to admit, seeing Niall happy is one of the best things you'll see in life.

"It's not a problem, a company like ours is lucky to have you. Welcome to Syco," she said, turning to leave. "Oh, and if you need anything, I'm Nicole Scherzinger."

I go back to celebrating with Niall! After about another five minutes of jumping up and down like little girls, Niall and I head back stage for Niall to sign some contracts.

We head backstage and spot Nicole.

"Alright Niall, all you have to do is read this and sign here, here, here, here, and here," said Nicole, handing Niall a huge packet of papers and pointing to the spots that Niall had to sign.

"Umm okay," Niall replied.

After about 3 hours of reading papers and signing papers, we still weren't finished.

"Okay Niall, now all you have to do is read this last packet and sign at the bottom," said Nicole.

Niall skimmed the paper.

"Okay, where do I sign," Niall asked.

"Uh, the line that says signature," said Nicole. "Blondes!" Nicole rolled her eyes jokingly.

"Hey!" said Niall, "first of all I dye my hair blonde, and second of all, I thought that blonde thing was only meant for girls."

"Well your living proof that it goes for girls and guys," said Nicole jokingly.

I started laughing while Niall pretended to be offended.

Finally, we finished-well Niall finished-signing the papers, it only took 4 hours I think to myself.

"We should celebrate by going to Nando's," said Niall triumphantly.

"That sounds great, you deserve it," I agree.

We walk out and find Harry leaning against the exit door.

"Hey guys," said Harry smirking.

I look over at Niall and see him with an annoyed expression.

"Harry, did you seriously wait out here for 4 hours just to annoy us?" I ask, letting all of my irritation show through my voice.

"Well yeah, Kimberly, but don't worry about it, waiting 4 hours in the hot sun was worth it to see you," said Harry with one of his famous winks.

Sure, I think to myself. Why is he suddenly acting like this towards me? There were tons of other girls that were far prettier than me even when I wore contacts and all that. Seriously, even if he did have a crush on me from before-which he probably didn't-Harry was never known to be shy, so why not ask me out then? He continues to confuse me, but I could care less now that I have Niall.

"So Kimberly," said Harry, breaking my thoughts, "I hope you know I sang that song for you." He smirks before turning to Niall, " isn't she lovely?"

I could see the irritation growing in Niall's face.

"And you sang about getting sick of love, Niall? Believe me bro, if you ever get sick of Kimberly over here, you can just call me," said Harry in a mocking tone.

I have to admit, Niall did sing about getting sick of love, did that mean something? Did he want to break up with me? Was this like the talent show where he was sending me a message through the song? No, I can't let Harry get to my head, that's exactly what he wants.

"Well, it wasn't nice talking to you, goodbye Harry. Niall and I are celebrating his victory at Nando's," I say with a fake smile. He should be used to those by now, I mean he did date Cassidy.

I start to pull Niall away, when I hear Harry mutter "she'll come running back to me someday". I could tell Niall heard it to from the look on his face.

When we make it to Niall's car, I hear Harry call out, "congrats mate, I hope you do well in showbiz!"

I know Harry is being sarcastic, and Niall knows it too. We head off to Nando's and try to enjoy our time together, after Harry stressing us out, it was a little bit difficult.

"Wow," I say, "this could be our last time out on a date without paparazzi crowding us."

Niall smiles," yeah."

"So, when do you start recording?" I ask.

"Well, they're having a songwriter meet with me tomorrow to discuss the songs, and then they are recording my first album next week, and then they are releasing the album two weeks after that," replies Niall. "You were there when they discussed it."

"Yeah," I say," but after the first hour, I kinda zoned out." I give Niall an apologetic smile. "So anyway, wow, that's going by really fast."

"I know, well it seems that they haven't had a good act in a long time so they have to bump up their reputation before it diminishes completely," said Niall.

We continue our date talking about the competition, why Louis couldn't be there, the record deal, and a whole bunch of other stuff.

When Niall drives me home, we continue the same ritual. He walks me to my door, we make a little bit of small talk, and then share a kiss.

As I walk in, I think to myself, wow! I'm going to be dating a pop-star! It had its pros and cons. I couldn't wait until tomorrow, Niall would meet up with the songwriter, he would learn the songs, and then start recording! I couldn't wait to tell Louis on Monday! I'd call him, but you know, he's grounded.

I was tired after all that paperwork, even though I wasn't the one sing anything or reading anything, I decided to call it a night. It was early, but I wanted to wake up early tomorrow to call Niall and make sure everything was going okay with the songwriter.

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