The Stuck Up Brat Alyssa

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I wake up the next day utterly refreshed, since I went to bed at like 7:00. I knew I should wait before I called Niall, I didn't want to interrupt his meeting with the songwriter. I didn't know when the meeting ended, so I was faced with a double problem. Maybe I should just wait until tomorrow to talk to him, I think to myself. Can I wait that long? Yikes! I'm getting too obsessive, like what if he breaks up with me soon? Fame can do crazy things to people. No, I tell myself. Why don't I trust my bf?

Maybe I'll just call Louis or go over to his house, maybe he's punishment of being grounded is over now. Ugh, what am I thinking? It's only been like what? Two? Three days?

Ugh, today is going to be the most boring day. This is what I get for not having a lot of friends I tell myself.

5 hours later

I turned on some old reruns of Glee to watch while I waited for something interesting to happen, I got through five or six episodes before something interesting actually does happen. My phone starts to vibrate and Niall's caller ID comes up. I'm pretty sure there wasn't even one ring before I picked up the phone, that's how fast I answered it.

"Hey Kimberly, wow your fast at picking up the phone," said Niall.

I smile, "yeah, well, I've been bored all day and then when I saw it was you calling I basically broke my arm trying to get my phone," I said.

Niall laughs a little bit, "I've been thinking about you all day, the songwriter, man she is so boring," he said.

"Wait a minute," I say, "she? The songwriter is a girl?" I can feel some jealousy run through my veins. The thought of Niall's songwriter being a girl never occurred to me. If this girl was his songwriter, they'd be spending a lot of time together. Was she cute? Was she nice?

"Kimberly!" Niall shouted breaking my thoughts, "I've been calling you like five times, what's wrong?"

"Can you get a new songwriter?" I spit.

"Ohhhhh I get it, you're a little jealous," said Niall teasingly.

"No!" I scream back, "I just don't think that you will be able to collaborate as well with a girl than if you were with a guy, you know, you could relate to each other better."

"Oh, don't worry, I found out that Alyssa and I have a lot in common," he said, his voice filled with mockery.

Of course she has a beautiful name, I think to myself. I bet she's a supermodel too. She and Niall will write some stupid love songs together and fall in love and get married and Niall will forget about me forever.

I stayed silent, Niall was laughing in the background.

"I'm just kidding around with you K, she's not my type, besides you're the only one for me. I told you, you were all I could think about all day," said Niall.

"K?" I ask, "do you have a nickname for Alyssa too? What is it A?" I ask with jealousy still coursing through my veins.

"Awwww come on Kim, don't get jealous on me. You know I think you're the most beautiful girl in the world, you don't think I'd leave you for some stuck up girl like Alyssa, do you" Niall asks.

I feel better when I hear Niall call Alyssa stuck up, "yeah," I say, "sorry about getting all worked up, I know you'll always be there for me."

"That's more of what I like to hear," said Niall in a happier tone.

"What else happened today? Do you have to meet up again or record something, what's going on?" I ask, curios about the recording deal and such.

"Uh yeah, look I'm really sorry K, but these next couple weeks I'll be busy recording and meeting up with Alyssa so I won't really be around much. I'm really sorry, but I promise once all of this is over I'll make it up to you," said Niall.

"Oh no, it's fine," I say, trying to hide my disappointment, "I understand. Can we meet up tonight for dinner or something?" I ask hopefully.

"Oh, um, sorry Kim, but I'm meeting up with Alyssa to discuss some more song choices," said Niall, sheepishly.

Man, my hatred for Alyssa was growing more and more by the second. Was this how it was going to be from now on? Niall's career would eventually take over and then he wouldn't have time for me anymore, but then again, when your a celebrity, you don't want some dorky girl to be your girlfriend. You want a supermodel.

"Oh, that's just great," I spit adding as much sarcasm as I could throw into my statement. "Where are you taking the lovely brat?"

"Oh, we're meeting up at Francesca's across the street," Niall replied.

"You mean that fancy Italian restaurant?!" I practically yell.

"Um, yeah, that would be the place," said Niall quietly.

"Niall! The fanciest place we have gone to was a diner and you take some brat that you consider stuck up and who is NOT your girlfriend to some fancy Italian place!" I yell over the phone.

"Listen Kim, Alyssa is a very high class songwriter that was hired by Syco and I really have to try and impress her, besides we're just meeting up for business, nothing else," said Niall.

"Are you planning on paying for her meal," I ask, my irritation growing more and more as the minutes pass.

"Well yeah, I mean, but not because I want to, it's just, I want to impress her," said Niall.

I hung up, not wanting to hear any more about his "date" with that stuck up brat Alyssa.

My phone vibrates again, Niall's caller ID pops up again. I hit ignore as fast as I can. After about three more calls, Niall gives up and starts texting me.

Kim please pick up, it's not how you think

I don't even like Alyssa

And a whole lot of other garbage that Niall is trying to feed me, of course he has feelings for Alyssa. He wouldn't be trying to impress her if he didn't. I knew this would happen. I knew that once Niall's career took off like this, he would leave me for some other beautiful girl. His career barely even took off and he already met someone. Well, I think to myself, it was fun having someone like Niall while it lasted.

My phone vibrates again, I'm about to hit ignore thinking that it's Niall, but I'm surprised when I see Louis's caller ID pop up.

"Hey Kims!" Louis greets.

"Louis!" I shout with utter excitement,"I thought you were grounded!"

"I was, but my parents let me off for good behavior. It's like some sort of prison sentence or something, you knew," Louis says.

I laugh.

"So you wanna go out or something, because I'm bored and Cassidy is out with her friends," said Louis.

"Oh, thanks," I say, " I'm glad I come after Cassidy now."

"Aw, come on I didn't mean it like that," Louis says, "but seriously let's go out to dinner or something to celebrate my good behavior!"

I laugh again, I feel much better being able to talk to Louis again.

"Alright," I say, "I have the perfect place. Make sure you have some allowance saved up, because we're going to Francesca's, that fancy Italian restaurant across the street."

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