Talent Show

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Today is the day. Niall will be performing in the talent show today, I can't wait to find out what he is singing. The talent show is in a couple hours, Niall was a nervous wreck at school today. Louis and I tried to calm him down and assure him that everything, but he was totally freaking out. It came to the point where Louis and I thought it would be better if he just dropped out, but he pressed that he had to do it. Why, I have no idea. He didn't tell me, but it had to be pretty important for him to force himself to do something that made him so nervous.

Louis and I headed to the auditorium early to help Niall get ready, so I decide to start getting ready. I get dressed in a new dress that I bought from the thrift shop down the street, not everyone has money to throw around like the Meyers family. I throw on some black wedges and walk over to Louis's house, Louis's birthday just passed so he has his license. I'm luck to have a bff who can drive me places when I need them to.

When I get to Louis's house, he is waiting out front.

"Ready to go support your boyfriend?" asks Louis.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I respond.

"I bet he has a terrible voice," said Louis.

I hit him playfully on the arm. "You're just jealous that he'll be more talented than you, and you won't get the all attention anymore," I say.

"Okay, okay, you got me," said Louis holding up his hands.

On our way to the talent show we talk about Ella and how she's doing. When we finally arrive in the school parking lot, we rush to the auditorium. We find Niall already there pacing back and forth.

"Niall!" I call, "are you going to be alright?"

"Yeah, I'll be fine. I have to do this, it's just a little nerves," he replies.

"Niall, you know you don't actually have to do this, you know that right," I say.

"No Kimberly, you'll understand when you hear the song. I really do have to do this," he says.

I have no idea why Niall feels that he has to do this talent show, I mean what's the big deal? It's not like the end of the world or anything.

We calm Niall down a little bit and then head to our seats. On our way there, we spot the list of all the acts and what order they are in. Niall is last, perfect I think to myself. He'll have time to calm down and we'll be able to scope out the rest of the competition.

The curtain opens and the MC introduces the first act, a comedian-who may I add, is horrible at jokes. After a few more acts, Harry comes on stage. The MC introduced him and tells us that he is singing "Everything About You" by Cardinal Directions, I love that song!! Right before he starts singing he does something that knocked me right off my chair. He pointed to me in the crowd and announced

"This one's for you, Kimberly! I hope you like it!" And finished off with a wink and flashing a smile.

My heart fluttered. No, I told myself. I'm with Niall and I'm happy being with Niall. I turn away hoping that Harry wouldn't see me blush, but I was too late. Harry began singing, and like everyone else in the room, I'm shocked. He can really sing! He had a deep voice that just carried out the song beautifully. Harry sang the entire song while looking at me. At the end he blew me a kiss, that made a few girls turn around and glare at me. I didn't return any gestures to Harry, I didn't want to give him the wrong impression. I wanted him to know that I had chosen Niall, and I was happy with him. I have to admit, so far, Harry was the by far the best. I could only hope that Niall would blow us away. Finally, after a few more horrible, torturous acts, it was Niall's turn. The MC announced Niall onto the stage.

"Up next we have our last performance for the night. Niall Horan, singing an original song called "What Makes You Beautiful"," announced the MC.

"Before I begin," said Niall," I just want you to know Kimberly, this song was written for you. This is why I have to do this. So that you maybe you'll finally realize how beautiful I really think you are."

I was amazed. Two songs tonight were dedicated to me, by the two cutest guys here at school. This definitely earned me some more glares from my jealous female classmates.

As soon as Niall hit the first note on his guitar, I knew that I would love this song. His voice was amazing, better than Harry's. I thought it was cute when you could hear his Irish accent come through when he sang. I was crying by the end of the song. The whole room erupted in applause.

"Well," said the MC, coming back onto the stage,"I think it's obvious who the winner is tonight! Niall Horan singing "What Makes You Beautiful!""

I run up onto the stage and throw myself into Niall. He returns my bear hug. I whisper a huge thank you in his ear, and then we share a kiss. We get a few awww's from the audience that I forgot was even there,

"I hope you know, that you light up my world like nobody else," Niall whispers back, quoting his song.

I giggle and blush at his comment. We are about to walk off the stage when, but we stop when we hear someone call Niall's name.

"Excuse me, Mr. Horan. My name is Simon Cowell. I own a recording company, and I was thinking. You might just be the next big thing," said Simon. " Here's my card, give me a call if you're interested."

Then he walked away, leaving Niall and I with shocked expressions and screaming like little girls.

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