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The next morning I call Niall right when I get up.

"Hey," I say, "what's up?"

"There's been a change of plans, Simon just called and said that since he was running late on getting this act, they are moving up the competition to today," said Niall.

"Oh my gosh!" I say, "what time?"

"In 3 hours." Niall replies.

"Oh my gosh! I have to go and get ready then, and I'll call Louis to see if he wants to go. Where is it?" I ask.

"It's where they hold the X factor auditions," said Niall, "thank you so much for supporting me on this, you really are the best girlfriend. Okay, I have to get ready and run over my song a few times, gotta go, bye."

I call Louis to see if he wants to go, but he doesn't answer. In fact, he doesn't answer the third, or fourth time I call either. I decide to just call Liam.

"Hello," said Liam, still groggy from sleep.

"Hey," I say, "um, is Louis there, I've been trying to call him but he hasn't picked up. I was wondering if he could come and support Niall at this competition thing."

"Oh, I'm sorry Kimberly. Louis is grounded from that fight, that's why he wasn't picking up the phone and he can't go to Niall's competition thing," said Liam, "sorry, I'll let him know you called."

"Thanks Liam," I say a little disappointed.

Oh well, I think to myself. As soon as I get ready, I rush downstairs to tell my mom about the situation and ask to take the bus downtown. She says yes of course being giddy about me having my first bf.

When I get on the bus, all the seats are taken so I have to stand, I honestly don't mind, I'm going to see my bf perform and maybe even become famous! If he did become famous, would he forget about me? I mean, I really got lucky when he picked me out of all the other girls at school, but when I think about all of the supermodels out's just hard to compare myself to them. I finally arrive and literally run to the studio. I see Niall in the corner of the room with his back to me, practicing his song I guess.

"Niall!" I shout.

He turns around with a huge grin on his face. He runs towards me and wraps me up in his arms.

"Thank you so much for coming Kimberly, I know this was last minute," he says.

"Are kidding," I respond, "I wouldn't miss this for the world! You're going to be famous!"

"Well, don't get your hopes up," said Niall, "they have taken a liking to Harry and I heard he has been taking some vocal lessons. There's just something about him that just makes everyone like him, you know?"

I know a lot better than you think about how much charm Harry has

I think to myself.

"Don't worry about it," I say. "Besides, your voice is so much better than his. I'm sure you'll win this, and when you do, I'll be waiting right here to congratulate you and support you through your journey of becoming famous. I mean a job where you get paid millions of dollars to do something you love with millions of girls chasing you must get really difficult." I'm trying to lighten up the mood with some of my horrible jokes, but I don't think I'm doing a very good job. I know how nervous Niall got before the talent show, and that was only in front of our school. Is Niall going to be able to perform in front of millions of fans if he wins this competition, I think to myself. Maybe this isn't a very good idea, I don't want Niall to end up like those celebrities who have to go to rehab or anything. No, I tell myself. This is a life changing opportunity! I know that if it was opposite and I was the one in this situation, which would never happen because I have no singing ability whatsoever, I would definitely want Niall to fully support me and help me reach this opportunity, no matter what.

"Alright Niall," I say in the most confident and authorities voice I can muster," I want you to go out there and beat Harry so bad he starts crying! This is a huge opportunity and I won't let you do anything to ruin it. There is nothing to be nervous about because you will obviously win, you have the most amazing voice that I have ever heard and you can play the guitar, which Harry cannot. I, as your girlfriend, will support you no matter what, and together, you will become the best singer/celebrity!"

Niall is as shocked as I am after I am done talking.

"Wow Kimberly, I had no idea you were so good at pep talks," said Niall, and then bursts out laughing.

I blush a little bit, this wasn't quite the reaction I was expecting.

"What," I ask, "what's so funny?"

"Nothing," said Niall, " it's just that I've never seen you like this, so determined and serious. It's cute."

I start to say something back to him about me being "cute", but I stop. As long as he's not nervous anymore, I don't care. I just want him to be happy.

"Niall, Harry," calls a woman in a maroon pantsuit, " it's time to perform. Harry, you will be going first, please enter the stage."

I give Niall a quick hug and kiss before grabbing a seat in the huge audience section. It feels weird with it just being me sitting in a huge auditorium, I guess you could call it, all by myself watching my boyfriend and my, well I don't know exactly what to call Harry, compete to become the next big thing!

Harry enters the stage and introduces himself.

"Hi, I'm Harry Styles and I'll be singing Isn't She Lovely by Stevie Wonder," he says.

As he begins to sing, I have to admit, he has gotten better. Him singing acapella didn't help Niall's case. I was actually beginning to worry, and if I'm worrying, then I know for sure Niall is too. I know that pep talk I said won't help him through this. He said Harry was getting vocal lessons, but I didn't expect him to be this good. I was getting a bit anxious, I know how crushed Niall will be if he doesn't win this. I also know that Harry doesn't deserve to win, yeah he can sing the notes, but he doesn't feel the music like Niall does, the way a true musician should.

When Harry finishes, all of the judges stand up and clap. I don't lift a finger to show any emotion to signify to Harry that I don't support him at all. When his gaze lands on me I look away and he frowns, but I couldn't care less what his feelings are towards me.

Niall enters the stage with his guitar and I immediately start to worry. What if he does lose? Then what happens? We go back to a normal life? Will he go back to Ireland? I know I should stop worrying and trust that my boyfriend has the talent to beat Harry, but I still couldn't get over how good Harry was.

Niall starts to sing and gradually the doubt of him winning starts to fade. I know that this will be tough on the judges, both of the boys are very talented. I'm glad that Niall went last, that way his voice is fresh in their minds. When Niall finishes, the judges stand up and applaud for him just the same as they did for Harry.

When he exits the stage, I run over to him and jump into his arms.

"You were amazing!" I squeal. "There is no doubt in my mind that you have Harry beat!"

Although that wasn't true, I wasn't going to tell Niall that.

"Thank you so Kimberly, you have no idea how much this means to me to have someone like you come and support me," said Niall.

"Well of course, I wouldn't not come and support my bf," I say.

The judges walk up on stage to announce the winner.

"I would just like to congratulate both contestants and let you know that both of you were phenomenal and it was a very hard choice, but we had to decide on a winner," said the woman in the maroon pantsuit.

"The winner is," says the woman, she looks over at Harry and my heart sinks.

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