New Student

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When I wake up the next morning, I feel better, barely. Why should I care if Harry and Cassidy date? Why should I even like Harry is another question. I don't have an answer for myself, there is just something about Harry that has every girl knocking on his door.

I decide to hurry up and get ready, since my parent are divorced, I switch houses. So I am at my mom's house today. I can smell the delicious breakfast from upstairs. Here I go again, I slip my glasses on and avoid looking in the mirror.

When I get downstairs my mother is anxiously waiting with a stack of pancakes on a plate for me. I load them up with syrup and butter and dig in.

"Sweetheart, don't forget your supplies, you're going over to Louis's house tonight to start that project right?" asked my mother.

I had completely forgotten about that. I had a happier outlook on today knowing that I would get to see my best friend longer then the seven hours we had at school.

"Yeah, thanks mom," I replied hurriedly.

Since I forgot about going over to Louis's house after school, I had to hurry to pack up my supplies now.

Once I got to school I felt much better, Harry and Cassidy were no where in sight.

"So I heard this new kid is transferring here today, all the girls were talking about it on my way in. They think he's really cute or something," said Louis.

"Wow, Harry might have some competition here," I said jokingly.

"Yeah, his name is Niall Horan," replied Louis, "I hear he's in our homeroom."

"Cool, I guess we'll be the first to meet him then," I replied enthusiastically

I really was kind of excited, if this Niall guy really was cute, then maybe I could finally take my eyes off of Harry. Though if all these girls are already mooning over him on the first day, it wouldn't do me any good to chase a guy who I don't stand a chance with.

"Let's head to class, the bell is about to ring," said Louis.

As we walk in we see the new kid, Niall I think, in the front of the room. I have to admit, he was really attractive. All the girls were surrounding Niall batting their eyelashes and reapplying their lip gloss. I started heading toward the back of the room, but he looked at me and flashed a smile. All I could do was stand there, I was frozen, I was mentally kicking myself for not doing anything. Smile back my brain ordered, but it was like the message was never sent. That smile, I will never forget that smile.

Louis gave me a puzzled look and then followed my gaze to Niall, then he smirked. I wanted to smack that smirk right off him, playfully of course.

"Hmm, I guess Harry does have some competition," whispered Louis.

"Be quiet," I said hitting him playfully on the arm, finally able to send messages from my brain to the rest of my body.

The bell rings and everyone hurries to sit down. Soon Niall is the only one standing as Mr. Eagle walks into the room.

"Good Morning class! I see you have already met our newest student, Niall Horan. He is transferring all the way from Ireland, so let's give him a big American welcome," shouted Mr. Eagle

All the guys murmured a very soft "welcome", but that was okay because the girls made up for them, almost every one of them shouted a huge welcome and some even waved.

"I see some of our class is a little bit more welcoming then the rest," said Mr. Eagle eyeing the guys. "Please Niall, take a seat. How about over by Kimberly. Kimberly, I would like you to show Niall to all of his classes since you two have almost the same classes,and help him if he needs anything."

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