Niall Got Discovered!

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When Niall and I finally get over the shock of Simon Cowell offering Niall a place at his recording studio we leave the auditorium. Louis is outside waiting for us.

"Louis!" I scream, "you'll never believe what just happened. This agent guy came up to us and offered Niall a job to like sing and become a rockstar or something!"

"Wow! Seriously? That's amazing! That's just like Harry," said Louis.

My face fell instantly.

"What do you mean just like Harry?" I ask.

"You haven't heard," said Louis. "The whole school is buzzing that Harry was caught talking to an agent and he thinks Harry could be the next big thing!"

"What? That's exactly what that Simon Cowell guy said to Niall," I respond. "Do you think he's the same guy who talked to Harry?"

"I don't know, but there's only one way to find out," said Niall, picking up his phone.

"Wait a minute, you're going to do it? Right now?" I ask.

"Well yeah, why not. I mean, there's no way I'm passing up a chance like this," Niall replied.

"Well hang on a minute. You haven't even had enough time to think this over," I said.

"Oh, and you're the judge of how much time I need to make a decision," said Niall, raising his voice a little.

"Ok, well, you haven't even talked to your family about this," I say.

"I'll call them after I call Simon. There's no reason for them to get all hyped up if Simon ends up not wanting me anymore," said Niall.

"Think about what's going to happen to your life. What's going to happen to your family? What's going to happen to us, Niall," I ask.

"Don't worry Kimberly, my life is going to be better," said Niall. "And if anything, I'd be able to see my family more because I'll have the money. And you know we can still be together even if I become famous. Come on Kimberly, why aren't you going to support me on this."

"Yeah, well, I'll support you once you've thought this over a little more," I say. "You know I'm really proud of you Niall, I just don't want you to rush into things."

"Yeah, well, my life, my choices," said Niall walking away.

I looked at Louis who was standing there awkwardly with his hands in his pockets not knowing where to look.

"Sooooooo," said Louis breaking the silence.

"Soooooooo?" I respond.

"Um, I was going to go visit Ella in the hospital, you can join me if you want, or I could just drop you off at your house," said Louis.

"Eh, what the heck, I'll come with," I say.

The drive to the hospital is long and awkward. Louis didn't know the right thing to say, and I just didn't feel like talking much. I hated it when Niall and I got into fights. I didn't like to see Niall upset, I liked it when he was smiling and making the people around him laugh. My thoughts are interrupted when Louis opens the car door. I guess I was so lost in my thoughts, I didn't realize we were at the hospital.

We walk up to the desk to see what room Ella is in.

"We would like to see Ella Weaver please," said Louis politely, "We're her friends."

"I'm sorry," said the lady, "but are you that Louis kid?"

"Yes ma'am, that's would indeed be me," replied Louis.

"Well, I can't let you in. I was given strict instructions by Mr. and Mrs. and Ella Weaver to keep you out of the room at all costs," said the lady.

Louis looked horrified. I felt terrible for him, he didn't mean to. He already felt horrible about what happened, and this lady is making him feel even worse.

"Can I speak to the Weavers please, I think there has been a misuderstanding," I say to the lady.
"I'm sorry miss, but no friends of this boy are allowed in either," the lady said gesturing to Louis.

This made me mad. Louis didn't even do anything, well, nothing on purpose anyway. I think to myself. Louis and I turn away and walk back to the car. On the way back to my house, the car is filled with yet another awkward silence. This time neither of us tried to tart a conversation. When we finally pulled up to my house, I decided to speak up.

"It really wasn't your fault Louis," I said slowly. "The Weavers don't understand what really happened."

When I don't get a response from Louis I walk into the house. I wait until Louis leaves until I close the door. Wow, I think to myself, today was quite a day. Should I call Niall? See if he called Simon? He probably did, besdies, I should give him some time to cool off. It was late, so I decided to go upstairs and hit the sack. Before I get in bed, I hear my phone buzz. It's a text message, but a from a number that I don't have in my contacts. I open it up to see what it says. When I read it, I'm shocked, it says

Go out with me?

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