Break Up I Think

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Two days pass and it's time for Niall to audition for the talent show. I really hope he gets in.I'm not allowed in the room when Niall goes in to audition, so I don't know what song he is singing. All I know is that he wrote it. He won't tell me anything else. Louis was supposed to come and support Niall and to wait with me while Niall auditioned. But something has been off with Louis lately. I know something went wrong with the date with Ella, but he never wants to talk about it, he never wants to talk about anything really. I'm really worried about him, I've never seen him like this before. Something really bad must have happened. I thought about asking Ella what happened, but she hasn't come to school since that night. When Niall gets out of the music room, he has a huge grin on his face.

"Guessing from the expression on your face, I'm guessing you got in?" I say

"Yes! They said they loved my song. And I'm sure you will too when you hear it in five short days," Niall replys.

We share a hug and a quick kiss before turning to walk back to the parking lot, but we run into the one and only Harry.

"Hey Kimberly," Harry says sweetly, "I'll see you at the talent show right? Your're going to love my song! Alright well, I'll see you around."

Then he winks at me, I just nod my head. When Harry walks away, I'm still a little awestruck. My heart is still fluttering from his wink.

"Kimberly! Why didn't you say something!" Niall demands.

"What was I supposed to say?" I ask, surprised by Niall's little outburst.

"He just flirted with you right infront of me, and you didn't do anything to stop him! How did you think I would react to that?," Niall says, "Don't tell me you still have feelings for him!"

When I don't say anything, Niall turns and walks the other way from me.

"Niall, wait please!" I shout after him.

"Save it Kimberly. I know you have these insecurities where you need a lot of people to like you, and I've tried to help you with that, but you just never listen." says Niall.

"Niall, you have no idea what I'm going through," I shout back.

"Oh I think I do, you just let your insecurities rule your life. Well guess what Kimberly, life is too short!" Niall shouts back.

And with that Niall leaves leaving me in the hallway by myself. I felt like crying, this is exactly what I was afraid of. At least I still have Harry as an option, I think to myself. But I don't want Harry anymore. I wanted Niall to be the one that would be there for me when I needed someone. I don't know what I was thinking even having Harry as an option. I needed someone to talk to, but I didn't have anyone. Niall was mad at me-and I can understand why, Louis was going through a rough time, I definitely couldn't talk to Harry about this, and well, there wasn't really anyone else to talk to, unless you counted Cassidy, but I wasn't ready to have a conversation like this with her yet. This was a benefit of not having a lot of friends I think to myself. I decide to walk to Louis's house, maybe we can have one of those things where I help hm with his problems and he can help me with mine. It'll be like playing therapist.

When I get to Louis's house and ring the doorbell, I have tear stained eyes. I basically cried the entire time walking to Louis's house. Liam answers the door.

"Whoa, Kimberly, are you okay?" Liam asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine, is um, Louis here," I ask between sniffles and wiping my eyes.

"Uh yeah, he's in his room, but if you're looking for someone to cheer you up, he won't be much help. He's been sulking ever since he went on a date with that red head chick." replied Liam.

"Yeah, I know, I was thinking I could maybe just talk to him." I reply.

"Yeah, that's fine. Come on in." Liam says.

We walk upstairs and stop at Louis's room.

"Alright, well I'll leave you to it then," Liam says, "good luck getting anything out of him."

"Thanks," I say as I walk in.

"Louis," I call when I get inside.

I hear a mumble coming from the bundle of blankets in the corner of his bed.

"Louis," I call again, "I came to talk to you. I know something happened between you and Ella. I thought we could maybe play therapist or something. Niall and I broke up, and I really needed someone to talk to."

Louis sat up. "You and Niall broke up?" he asks.

"I think so," I reply, "He didn't actually confirm it, but I'm pretty sure I was just dumped."

"Awww Kims," he says, "I'm sorry."

"It's fine really, I don't really care," I respond.

"Kims, I can see that your eyes are puffy and your cheeks are red," Lous says blatantly.

So I tell Louis all about the audition and Harry and then how Niall got mad at me afterwards for not sticking up for our relationship. Louis sat quietly without interrupting me until I was done.

"Awww Kims, I know it's hard to go through your first breakup," said Louis, "I should have been there at the auditions, I'm so sorry Kims. Maybe I could have prevented this."

"No, Louis, it's not your fault. It probably would have happened even if you were there, besides, it's not like ?Niall and I were dating. We went on one date. Whoopty doo. I totally exaggerated this whole relationship," I say. "Ugh, this is all my fault. Why can't I be confident Louis? Why didn't I just stand up to Harry?"

"It's okay Kims, everything will work out, I know it will," responded Louis.

"Alright," I said, "Your turn to spill. What happened on your date with Ella, and don't say nothing because you have been sulking since that night, and she hasn't been at school since that night."

Louis winced when I told him Ella hadn't been at school since the night of their date. Something really bad must have happened, I think to myself.

"Alright, but you have to promise not to tell anyone," said Louis.

"I promise, Louis. Besides it can't be that bad," I say, trying a to hide my thoughts.

"Okay, so we were playing mini golf and it was my turn to hit the golf ball. Well, I guess I was really nervous, well I was really nervous and my hands were really sweaty. So when I hit the ball, I guess I hit it wrong or something because it ended up hitting Ella in the head, it hit her really hard and she fell to the ground unconcious. So I called 911 and they took her to the hospital. That's why she hasn't been at school she's been in the hospital, she has a really bad concussion," said Louis.

I couldn't help my surprised expression, I didn't expect that to be what happened.

"I know," cried Louis, "I'm an awful person."

"No, Louis. It was an accident, I know you would never do something like that on purpose," I say.

"I know, but now she'll never want to see me again! And I really liked her," Louis cried.

We spent the next two hours comforting each other. Finally, I left to go home. I went to sleep, a little bit scared of what I would have to face tmorrow. I would have to face Niall, usually I would be excited, but not after what happened today. Maybe I could skip school, I thought to myself. No, my mom would never allow that. Come on, I say to myself. Face your fears Kimberly, I shout to myself. That's all Niall wants you to do. Face your inseurities. Ugh, I give up on the conversation I'm having with myself and drift off into sleep.

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