Part 12

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"Take care, bye " Jungkook said as he was heading out of the door . I only started at him in silence as he walked out.

Is it ok for me to be left alone with his mom ?

Fear was killing me inside like.. something bad is about to happen.

"Just be ok" I was whispering to myself .

A few seconds later I was heading towards our room , that's when I heard a voice behind me


I looked back and saw it's Lisa , I wasn't really interested to talk so I started heading towards our shared bedroom again but she blocked my way .

"Did you just ignored me Jungkook's chick?"

I rolled my eyes and went past her.
I can agree the fact that she is very annoying.

3 hours passed , it's evening now I am bored asf because I seriously don't have anything to do except for the house chores. I have plans to go out alone and have some time for myself.

I am not really sure if it's ok without asking jungkook or his mom.

"I will just call and ask him"

I called him and it took him a while to pick up and sounded extremely cold.

Jungkook: "why did you call?"

Y/N: "umm I just wanted to ask if I can go out because I am bored"

Jungkook: "do whatever you want just don't call me ." And he cut the call.

I wonder why he sounded so pissed off...

Nevermind I will just go out without telling anyone else.

I got prepared and did my makeup and hair

I actually decided to go to that same club once again. As I was heading out of the house Jungkook's mom came in my way and stopped me.......
what she needs now?

She asked "Where are you going at this hour?"
She looked at me from head to toe and my face again

"I- I am going out to have some time for myself"

"So you are going out to have fun with the money my son makes isn't it?"

"I already knew you are a gold digger anyway" said jungkook's mom.

She suddenly pulled my wrist and began to drag me somewhere, I stayed quiet.

She dragged me through another stairs that goes to the underground of this house , it was extremely dark there

She threw me in one of the dark rooms and locked the door even before I had anytime to react.

Author's note:

Tbh I am extremely sorry for being this late :') I was totally depressed some months because my boyfriend broke up with me and said he can't handle a gf but he actually ditched me for his ex girlfriend and they are together now. I know karma will eventually hit him because his current gf is a hoe but I will never forget how I had to cry every single day for all this shit. Idc about anything now. Thanks.

When You Bump Into a Mafia While running Away From Getting Sold| Season 1|J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now