Part 19 [ Reality is harsh]

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I slowly opened my eyes just to find myself in a bedroom. My head was feeling heavy. I sat up in the bed and looked around.

 I sat up in the bed and looked around

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Where am I? And how??

Just then I remembered the things which happened before. Every single thing I was thinking was making my brain pain hard as if it will bleed any moment. I held my head with both of my hands and closed my hands.

Just then I heard a male voice. It sounded familiar as if I have heard it somewhere before.

??: Y/n! What happened?

I looked up at him and my jaw dropped.


What is he doing here?

Does this means he will hand me over to Jungkook?

All this thoughts were crossing my mind right after seeing him.

He was walking closer to the bed and I went back making him stop on his tracks. He gave me a look which I couldn't really understand.

"W-why did you brought me here? Are y-you going to hand me over to Jungkook?"

I said with a low voice but enough for him to hear. I brought my knees close to my chest and hid my face in them slowly sobbing.

Soon I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up with my puffy eyes and saw it's taehyung. I somehow felt like he wouldn't do anything bad to me.

Taehyung: I didn't bring you here just to give you back at the end.

At this point. I am too out of mind to understand everything. Too tired and too upset to even believe Jungkook was trying to do something like that. If he didn't want me to stay with him he could've just told me I would leave but what's up with all those acts.

I never wanted to be part of something like this. I just wanted a person's love. how foolish I was to think he will love someone like me.

A silent tear escaped my eyes as I was thinking about him. His words , the lies.

Was it all really a lie?

I am really asking this to myself after everything?

Taehyung: I can explain. And don't worry, you are safe with me.

His words somehow made me feel relaxed.

But wait

Is he doing this behind Jungkook's back?

I looked up at him with a questioning look. He looked back at me and I instantly moved my gaze away feeling awkward.

With a low voice I asked.

"Are you saving me behind Jungkook's back?"

He replied


When You Bump Into a Mafia While running Away From Getting Sold| Season 1|J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now