Part 16 [Doubt]

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2 weeks passed........

I returned back home and didn't see Jungkook's mom and Lisa there. I guess...he told them to leave or... something? Whatever I don't know but it's good they left.

I am getting ready wearing a outfit jungkook brought me. He told me we are going somewhere but didn't tell me where it was. Must be a surprise or something? Who knows haha

The hair and outfit:

The hair and outfit:

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I was sitting on the bed after getting ready when I heard the door open revealing jungkook looking all cool and cold wearing a black suit.

Gosh.. he is looking so handsome and stunning.

I got up from bed looking at him as he looked back at me with his cold eyes.. it felt like he was staring directly into my soul.

He came closer and pulled me closer to him wrapping arms around my waist making me nervous as ever.

I mean I got closer to him before, but everytime he does drives me crazy tho my heart have no driver.

I swallow my limp as he touched my cheek with his hand

"Looking good baby"


I got a strange feeling in my stomach after hearing him call me that..

Deep inside my mind I am thinking "Why is he behaving extra sweet but still with coldness today?"

No matter how sweet and caring he shows he is... The cold eyes are always there. Those intimate eyes that can give goosebumps to anyone.

I smiled a little at him but his expression was still the same , he let go of me and held my hand

"Let's go."

And took me out of the room with him.

Sometimes I Just wanna know what he actually thinks of me.

We were in the car and it was total silence. Jungkook and I sat in the back seat. I kept looking at him again and again...I won't lie that I can't stop looking at him.

I mean.. how can someone be so handsome.

He is looking smart, cool , handsome, sexy and any other words that can define perfection.

It's been 30 mins since we are sitting in the car. I don't really know where we are actually going neither did I bother to ask him because...

I trust him.

Way too much...

I don't know why..

maybe because he is the only one I have?

I kept looking at him again and again but he caught me this time and didn't remove his eyes from me

Hell.. why do I get so nervous whenever he stares at me?

Once again, He pulled me closer at once making my head hit his chest.

Like always......I wasn't expecting this.

I looked up at him as he was looking at me

"What are you doing?" I asked trying not to show any nervousness

He tiled his head to the side

"Feel lucky"

"No one even dares to spare a glance at me"

I looked at him with uninterested eyes and he gave me more cold look and let go of me.

After almost 30 more minutes we reached a place, it looked more like a club and it's night time so I think it is a night club.

Why did he even bring me here?

When You Bump Into a Mafia While running Away From Getting Sold| Season 1|J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now