Part 15 [Frustration]

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My body feels so heavy, as if I can't move without support

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My body feels so heavy, as if I can't move without support. My eyes were still closed as I was trying to move my hands and felt a soft sheet. Trying to slowly open my eyes I felt like the lashes got stuck with my eyes . I pressed my eyes hard and opened them, everything looked blurry at once . I kept pressing my eyes hard and the vision seem to look more clear now. I got up from my bed as my back was paining. It took me a moment to realize I am in a hospital room , I looked around me just to find him sitting on the couch looking at me with a blank expression.


We made an eye contact as if I was waiting for him to say something, start a conversation or maybe ask what happened after he went to another country for work....

He only stared at me with a blank face . I moved my eyes away from him and sighed by looking at my lap .

No one actually thinks of me.

Why do I even expect care from someone after all this years ? After being treated like a complete shit by my own blood relatives, never getting proper meal to eat, always had to obey them like a slave and even got.....

Raped by my own uncle.

A tear fell from my eyes as I was getting flashbacks of every single thing that happened to me before, did I deserved all this????? No right? Why am I always getting the punishment for things I have never done ? Even after being completely innocent in everything why did I had to face all this?

I wish you were here with me..... Mom , dad. This world is full of cruelty and disgusting people. What should I do? I don't even have anyone rather than my husband now.......Jeon Jungkook. Should I just die? I am so scared.. but what do I even live for? It's always like my mind is saying just end it already and my heart is saying.... A little bit more paitence Y/n , the best is yet to come.

But once again I am just tired of living. People treat me however they want like I don't even matter. Even when I try to commit suicide my body movements just stops on its own. I can feel that time just how much I am scared but can't choose between life and death. It's like.......

Tired of living... Scared to die.

I closed my eyes as more tears fell. After some seconds I felt a presence standing beside me. I didn't pay attention to that and the next moment I felt a hug. I opened my eyes just to find jungkook hugging me and digging his face on the crook of my neck . I stopped crying.

My face had a blank expression.. I didn't knew what to do, whether hug him back or stay like that.

I stayed like that.. still the blank expression on my face.

Jungkook pulled back and touched my cheeks with both of his hands, I looked away but he made me look at him again. He was looking into my eyes, when I looked back in his eyes I saw no emotions in his eyes..worried.. tensed.. love.. Nothing...

However, I was feeling nothing at that moment, I kept the same expression as he spoke.. "How are you feeling now?"


He frowned "ok?"said jungkook.

He got up and asked while looking down at my sitting figure "Do you want something to eat?"

"No" I replied without looking back at him.

He sighed and sat back on the bed and held my shoulders from both sides with both of his hands.

"Why are you mad?" He asked me with his blank expressions . For a moment it was looking like he asked it just to show that he cares when he actually don't.

Maybe he don't. Or maybe he do.

I stayed silent and he sighed again. He leaned closer and picked me up making me sit on his lap. This time I looked at him and kept one of my hand on his shoulder with a little surprised expression. He smiled a bit

"My expressions are not going to explain if I care or not "

So he knew that I was thinking he don't care.

"You know I can understand when and why girl's mood drops"

I raised my brow at him.

"Are you trying to act cool?"
"If you could actually understand me and that how much all of your actions hurt me sometimes you wouldn't have behaved so coldly. This really reminds me there is still no one to love me."

After saying all of it I tried to get off his lap but he held me tight not letting me get up.

" Y/n this is who I am, this is how I was since my childhood and you should get used to it by now. My expressions won't explain my love for you because I love you"

He held my cheeks gently and smiled a bit making me forget all the negative things in my mind. His smile was so sweet it gave me butterflies in my stomach.

"Ok now you rest I will go get something for us to eat"

I nodded with a smile and got up and sat on my bed again. He went out as I was smiling to myself.

Author's POV

Jungkook got out of the room and stood straight leaning his back on the wall

"Why am I even doing all this shit? I only need her for business nothing else"

He suddenly heard a notification sound from his phone and took it out of his pocket to check. And it was a message.

"The time is finally here, uff now I can finally get rid of her"

When You Bump Into a Mafia While running Away From Getting Sold| Season 1|J.JKWhere stories live. Discover now