Part 14 [Concern?]

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It's early in the morning around 9 a.m. jungkook was heading back to Korea after informing his staffs to reject new clients.

Jungkook's mom and Lisa was unaware of what's going to happen to them if Jungkook finds out they locked his wife.

On the other side, Y/N is fainted since midnight but no one was aware of it, her throat dried out and she had a bruise on her left hand cause of the pressure when she fell down

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On the other side,
Y/N is fainted since midnight but no one was aware of it, her throat dried out and she had a bruise on her left hand cause of the pressure when she fell down.

3 more hours passed

Jungkook was now right Infront of his house pressing the bell. Jungkook's mom opened the door and when she saw it was her son her jaw dropped cause she wasn't expecting him to come back so soon not when she locked Y/N in the basement. It is the time when she remembered what she did to Y/N and panicked inside.

Jungkook's cold eyes looked at his mom and walked inside the door. His mom backed away and jungkook asked with his same expression.."Where is Y/N?" However, his voice was extremely calm but he was furious inside.

All types of thoughts were running
In his mind.
maybe it's either Y/N spend night with someone or maybe his mom is hiding something from him.

"I asked where is Y/N. Why didn't she pick up my call"

His mom was lost in words, she just looked at him with her jaw dropped a bit which made jungkook furious even more. Jungkook passed by her and walked upstairs in their shared bedroom

He looked everywhere but her purse, phone and she herself is missing

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He looked everywhere but her purse, phone and she herself is missing.

He went downstairs again and found his mom still standing Infront of the door. She turned around when she heard footsteps just to see Jungkook standing right up the stairs.

"Where is Y/N." Even after being so angry he asked her calmly, his mom shook her head like she didn't knew but jungkook knew something was wrong.

"I will ask one last time. Where . Is. Y/N."

His mother gulped in fear and pointed to the left side where the stairs goes straight to the basement.

Jungkook passed his mom and took quick footsteps to where she pointed. He noticed that's basement and understood what actually happened. Before going there he looked one last time at his mom and said "Believe me or not, if something happens to her you have no idea what will happen to you." Jungkook took quick footsteps on the stairs and reached the basement, Jungkook's mom gulped hard but followed behind him.

Jungkook reached the basement but there was another door and it was locked. He heard footsteps behind him and saw his mother coming with the same expression from before but she was sweating right now. "There is no use of sweating cause you are going to regret it soon, give me the key" said jungkook.

Jungkook's mom gave the keys to him and took it harshly and opened the door. However, his mom was in fear and went outside the basement.

Jungkook went inside the room and it was all dark

He took a few steps forward and realized he stepped on something, he used his hand to pick it up and noticed that it was Y/n's phone which now have broken glasses

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He took a few steps forward and realized he stepped on something, he used his hand to pick it up and noticed that it was Y/n's phone which now have broken glasses. Jungkook looked around and noticed something again, it was a person laying fainted on the floor. In a rush jungkook went towards it because he knew it was Y/n and turned her around and took her in his arms.

He wrapped his arms around her body and felt that her body was burning hot. She got high fever. In quick movements jungkook picked her up and got out of the basement.

He got out of his mansion and took her to the hospital with his car. All the way to the hospital he kept looking at her with a concerned face cause he was actually concerned and noticed her lips turned dry her hand got bruise which turned dark. However, he was going to make his mom and Lisa pay for this.

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