Chapter 9- Reunions

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"That is the last time I let you two go get the snacks on your own..." Eunbi mumbles to the two girls handcuffed next to her.

"How was I supposed to know they'd recognize us?" Yena responds defensively.

"I mean, our faces have been plastered across the news the past couple days, unnie." Yuri fires back.

"If you knew that, why'd you agree to go to the convenience store with her?" Hyewon asks sarcastically. Yuri only shrugs in reply.

"You better hope Chaewon and the others have a plan." The eldest says with a sigh.


A few hours earlier...

Eunbi had been driving for a while already when a rumbling sound reminded her of a key supply they forgot to bring: food.

"What was that sound?" Wonyoung asks out loud, noticing it too.

"Sorry, that was me. We skipped breakfast for the mission, remember?" Hyewon replies sheepishly.

"You sure we can't just tough it out? Minjoo might be running out of time..." Chaewon queries, a sense of urgency laced in her voice.

"Don't think like that Chae." Eunbi scolds. "We won't be any help to Minjoo if we don't have the energy by the time we get there." The eldest's point causes Chaewon to slump in her seat knowing Eunbi was right.

"I'll look for a place we can stop at to refuel and buy some snacks then." Eunbi continues as she looks at their van's GPS.

After a couple minutes, the group makes their stop at a gas station at the edge of Seoul. Yujin and Wonyoung were about to step out, but the eldest stops them.

"No, no. You two stay here with Chaewon while we refuel. Yena and Yuri will go buy the snacks." She says.

"Whatttt? No fair, we can help too!" Yujin complains.

"You and Wonyoung are the youngest, and don't think I forgot the last time we stopped at a gas station. It's better if we have less people outside to keep track off." The two could only sigh and wait as the four step out of the van.


"Alrighty, whatcha wanna buy for the others?" Yena asks Yuri as they walk into the convenience store. It was similar to the one they went to before with several aisles lined with candies, chips and more snacks. There was also a television running the news in one of the corners.

"Any gummy bears anywhere?" The hamster asks as she looks around, just missing the strange look the cashier gives her while whispering something on the phone.

"Again? I know they're your favorite, but there's a lot of snacks here to choose from." Yena teases.

"Then why'd you bother asking?" Yuri smirks while rolling her eyes. Yena just smiles back as she hands her a pack of her favorite brand from one of the shelves.

After a couple minutes, the couple had finally gathered a bunch of snacks and headed over to the cashier.

"Hi! We'd like to buy these items. How much is the total?" Yena asks politely.

"Hey, you two look familiar..." The employee says suddenly.

"I don't know what you mean. May we just pay for our things and go?" Yena replies, a nervous feeling building in her.

"No, I think I saw you in the're the mutants!" The cashier realizes.

"You've never heard of us in your life!" She commands, but it was too late as some people made their way in to check what the commotion was only to see the cashier's face go completely blank at Yuri's command.

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