Chapter 16- Mind Games

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"You girls ready?" Eunbi asks the team through the mental link. The group had spread out and were hiding in bushes with the help of Hitomi moving them around.

"I don't see anyone out there. Maybe they forgot about us." Yena says optimistically. She'd already taken out the cameras in the area, so she figured the coast was clear.

"No, I sense soldiers hiding in the trees. They're waiting for us to approach the wall." Hitomi informs.

"Take them out then." Nako says as if that were an easy task to accomplish. Hitomi rolls her eyes at the short girl before focusing on the disturbances around the forest. The sudden movements in the branches and vines around them tug at her senses like an insect on a spiderweb. The group looks at the peach-cheeked girl expectantly and out of nowhere, the yelps of soldiers begin to echo through forest as they are snared one by one by vines.

"Great job, Hii-chan!" Chaeyeon compliments as she runs over, pinching the younger girl's cheeks.

"Which one of you would be so kind to lend us a hand with this door?" Eunbi asks the soldiers who were now hanging upside down.

"Never! We would never help your kind!" One of them yells in defiance.

"We can do this the easy way or the hard way..." Nako threatens, cracking her knuckles which causes the soldiers to flinch.

"Yah, Nako-unnie, it doesn't have to get that messy. Let me handle it." Yuri says with a giggle.

"You're no fun, Yuri." The short girl whines.

"On the contrary, I think my methods are way more fun." The hamster replies before charming one of the soldiers and making him dance like a chicken which causes the group to laugh.

"You monsters...If you think you will succeed in getting your friend out, you are sorely mistaken." Another soldier says.

"Quit your yapping and stay quiet." Yuri commands, leaving them unable to speak. She then leads the charmed soldier to the wall to open the door. Meanwhile, Yena walks up to the other soldiers and glares at them.

"Monsters? That's a bit of a strong word, don't you think? You people try to shoot and kill us all the time while we're just trying to mind our own business. If anything, I think you guys are the real monsters." She says before turning to walk back to the others.

The door was slowly starting to open, but something felt off. One of the men behind the group had a wry smile on his face. The lights inside were turned off as the group tiptoed in. After a few steps, a sudden sound of movement stops everyone in their tracks. Red lasers begin pointing at them from the darkness, and Eunbi realizes then that the soldiers outside were a distraction to make them let their guard down.

"Hands in the air!" A voice yells through the darkness.

"Yena, turn on the lights when I give the signal. Chaeryeong, Chaeyeon, take them out quickly afterwards." The girls agree and get into position.

"And what if we don't?" Eunbi asks aloud and is shocked when a bullet whizzes past her head.

"Then we'll shoot you. Unlike the others, you have no powers and are therefore of no use to us. So, if you mutants value the life of your leader, you'll stand down." The soldier says, all the red lasers now pointing towards Eunbi's chest. The leader takes a deep breath in order to steady herself before giving the order.

"NOW!" She says telepathically. The lights turn on to reveal a platoon of soldiers with guns right in front of them. Before they can even blink, Chaeyeon and Chaeryeong go to work and speed through them, landing punches and kicks on all of them. One soldier manages to fire his weapon, but Chaeryeong manages to chase the bullet down, grab it and place it next the soldier's leg. When she lets it go, the bullet keeps its momentum and hits the man, causing him to fall to the ground and grab at his shin. All of this happened in the span of a few seconds that the others couldn't even comprehend.

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