Chapter 20- Tying Up Loose Ends

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"Where'd you even get all this footage, Kkura?" Chaeyeon asks as they watch the news broadcast roll by. The group received a hero's welcome once they got back to PD campus the night before and were now seated around their lunch table just like old times. Seunggi was absolved from his previous allegations in light of the videos released by Sakura and was reinstated as PD's Principal again.

"That laptop of Dr. Park had a lot of information, and while you guys were fighting Ahn, I was actually broadcasting it online. The people saw everything Ahn did including turning himself into a monster with that serum. It's over for him." She says with a shrug.

"You really do think of everything." Chaeyeon says with a giggle causing everyone to grow suspicious.

"Hey, get a room you two!" Yujin teases.

"You're one to talk. Don't think we didn't notice you and Wonyoung getting really close during the mission." Chaeyeon fires back, inciting more oohs from the rest of the group.

"Yeah, we're dating now. So what?" Wonyoung suddenly says while grabbing Yujin's hand and raising it up. This silenced the whole table, and Yujin herself looked at the younger girl equally surprised by how bluntly she just revealed their relationship.

"Oh my god! Yujin, you lucky girl!" Yena cheers to break the quietness, pinching the puppy's cheeks.

"Yah, Wonyoung-ah, what did you even see in her?" Yuri asks jokingly.

"Same thing you probably saw in yours, unnie." She says with a laugh as they both watched their girlfriends begin arguing with each other.

"You better take care of Wonyoung, Yujin." Eunbi chides, already acting super motherly towards the group's youngest member. The group continued having fun and laughing about the situation, attracting the attention from other tables. Everyone knew that these twelve shared a bond that couldn't be broken, and that they represented all mutants well.

"Hey, I'm sorry to cut this short, guys, but I'm supposed to meet up with Chaeryeong and her friends before they head back to JYP." The group slowly begins to settle down and nod at Chaeyeon's announcement.

"Send them our regards, okay? I'd love to hang out with them again- I mean, without the immediate threat of death." Eunbi says with a laugh.

"Yeah! Yeji-unnie and Ryujin are really fun to talk to!" Minjoo says.

"Not as fun as me though, right Min?" Chaewon cuts in.

"Oh, of course not, unnie!" She replies with a chuckle, knowing she must've struck a nerve with her girlfriend.

"Alright, alright. I'll give you their contact information too when I can. I'll be off now!" Chaeyeon says before offering her hand to Sakura.

"Wait, what's up?" She asks.

"I need to talk with you after, Kkura." Chaeyeon whispers just loud enough to catch everyone's attention. Before they could react and tease though, Chaeyeon grabs Sakura's hand and runs off.


"I'm gonna miss you so much, Chaeyeon-unnie!" Chaeryeong says while hugging her older sister tightly at the campus' exit.

"It's not like we're separating forever, Ryeong. I might even pay JYP a visit some time if the old man let's me." Chaeyeon responds cheerfully, remembering the principal of her old home. After letting her sister go, she then turns towards the rest of the ITZY members and bows.

"Please continue to take care of my sister." She says.

"We'll do our best." Yeji responds.

"I must say though, you and your team work perfectly together. I apologize again for any trouble we may have caused while under Ahn's influence, but the fact that you girls held your own was really impressive given how little time you've spent together." She adds.

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