Chapter 14- Drop Zone

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"We should be coming up on the landing area in ten minutes, Ms. Kwon." The pilot communicates from the cockpit. The group had gotten on the plane early in the morning and were in the air for about an hour already heading towards Jeju Island, a popular tourist destination just off the coast of the country. This isolation from the mainland as well as the amount of people made it a good place for Ahn to hide his secret lab.

"Understood. I'll inform the others." She replies. Eunbi turns to look back at her friends who were trying their best to stay loose. They all understood the gravity of the mission, but that didn't make it any less nerve-wracking. This felt like the mission that all their recent trials and tribulations were leading towards. They'd travelled to different cities, ran from police, and even searched through another country to find the information they needed. The group had gone through so much in such a short amount of time. Eunbi was hoping this would be the last mission for a while.

"Girls, we're almost there. Get yourselves ready." The leader says calmly after getting everyone's attention.

"Thank goodness...I feel like I'm gonna be sick." Minjoo whispers.

"We've only been in the air for an hour, Min. You sure get motion-sickness easily." Chaewon teases.

"Anyway, do you all remember the plan or am I going to have to go over it again?" The group nods at Eunbi's question for the most part, but some eyes begin to glance at a certain duck sitting in the corner.

"What? Come on, guys! Of course, I remember the plan!" Yena complains.

"Oh, really?" Eunbi grins as she gets an idea. "I guess Yena can debrief us as we approach the landing area then." At this, Yena's confident expression falters.

"Uhh, yes, definitely! So, we're supposed to land on the north side of the island where there aren't that many resorts. The police are still after us, so it's good to avoid populated areas. After that, we let Sakura-unnie scan the area for technological activity and we go from there. Then..." Yena starts sweating now trying to remember the next step until Yuri nudges her to get her attention. The hamster then gives some hand signals that she hoped Yena would understand.

"Ah, then we split up once we get inside. One group looks for Hyewon and ITZY, the other group looks for data on Ahn's projects to expose him!" Yena puts on her best smile, hoping she got everything, and breathed a sigh of relief when Eunbi nodded.

"Good job, Yena. You got most of the main points down." The leader commends.

"Yeah, I'm surprised. Yena-unnie isn't that much of an airhead after all." Yujin teases.

"Yah, Yena-unnie can have brilliant moments sometimes too." Yuri defends.

"Wait, 'sometimes'?" Yena replies with a questioning tone. Before they could get into another argument like the two always do, the plane suddenly shakes as if it got it by something.

"Uh...what was that?" Wonyoung asks worriedly.

"It must just be some turbulence." Eunbi says, trying to calm the group down, but another gust of wind slams into the plane which caused those who were standing to fall down. Eunbi gets up and steadies herself before making her way back to the intercom.

"Captain, what's going on out there?" She asks to the pilot.

"Sudden air turbulence, Ms. Kwon! It just came out of nowhere, and I don't think the plane will survive pushing through!" He replies urgently, the wind seemingly getting stronger and stronger.

"Wait, what does that mean?"

"It means you're gonna have to jump!" Eunbi's face goes white at this. Skydiving wasn't exactly part of the campus' lessons.

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