Chapter 10- You & I

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A few hours ago...

"This must be it..." Chaewon says to herself as she approaches the entrance of Yujeonja Tech Solutions. Aside from its large logo, the building really stood out from the ones in the area given that it was the only structure painted black in the area. In addition, it was fairly isolated at the edge of the city with a forest to its left and right. The building was about four stories high, but Chaewon could tell it probably had an underground area as well; these bases almost always had those secret areas.

From her early observations, the place looked heavily guarded, so she didn't think she'd be able to waltz in like she'd hoped. She'd actually done some extra research while she was inside her hotel room, and Yujeonja had quite the reputation. As they had discussed before, Principal Ahn was the head of this genetics company which normally experimented on rodents and plants to create advanced medicines or healthier food, but now that they've kidnapped Minjoo, Chaewon could only assume they were up to something terrible.

After scouting the building a bit more, Chaewon sees a side door with only one guard that could be her ticket in. The short-haired girl now takes a deep breath to calm herself and focus. She'd realized the night before that she could conserve her energy more if she chose not think too much about her other clone's thoughts. She would still share its pain, but it wouldn't be felt as much.


"Yah, who's there!" The guard shouts when he hears rustling from the bushes. When no response comes, he tentatively takes out his gun and aims at the foliage, but the noise just stops.

"Hmm, maybe I've been on duty for too long. It was probably a rodent..." He says, putting a hand on his forehead. Chaewon could only stifle a giggle as she made her move.

"That's not something you should call a lady~" She whispers to the before guard tripping him, and knocking him out with a well-timed punch. The combat-training they had back on campus was definitely coming in handy. Chaewon then drags the guard into the bushes before the rotating security camera could catch her. Afterwards, she takes his uniform and credentials before emerging again from the forest.

"Step one complete..." Chaewon says to herself. She takes another deep breath and makes her way in.


It turned out that the building was way more complicated on the inside than it was from outside. Hallways snaked through the place connecting to different rooms all with different names. Finding Minjoo in here would be like looking for a needle in a haystack. Even the maps located near the entrance she just walked through weren't really that helpful. After all, it's not like they would just print "secret lab for mutant testing" there for everyone to see.

"Maybe I was in over my own head..." She thinks. Before she could reconsider and maybe wait for the others, a lab scientist approaches her, or at least, Chaewon assumed she was a scientist judging by her white lab coat.

"Soldier, what do you think you're doing out of your post?" She asks.

"Uhm, I was told I would be reassigned somewhere else, ma'am" Chaewon replies, trying to lower her voice to not get recognized. This was definitely one of those times she wished she had Yuri's power of charmspeak, Minjoo's invisibility or even Chaeyeon's speed. Making clones was not exactly a power conducive to staying undercover. After a few agonizingly long seconds, the scientist finally gives a slow nod.

"Of course, I was the one coming to get you actually. I wasn't aware you had already been told. I needed extra guards to accompany me to the lower levels. Come along now." She orders causing Chaewon to let out a sigh of relief at that stroke of luck.

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