Chapter 17- Facing Nightmares

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"Over here!" Yujin yells to the others when she finds an unlocked door. After ushering everyone inside, she shuts and locks it. A few seconds later, they could hear the sound of footsteps following their path. Sakura motions at everyone to be as quiet as possible to which everyone nods. Eventually, the footsteps begin to quiet down until they were gone. This gives the group a chance to finally catch their breaths. When they look around, they realize they were just in a utilities room and begin searching for medical supplies to treat each other's bruises and wounds.

"Okay, so now that we seem to be in the clear, what the hell just happened to us back there?" Nako asks in a frustrated tone, still likely not believing how easily she was beaten one on one.

"They planned for us. It can't just be me who felt like they were reading our every move, right?" Hitomi replies, wincing because bandages Chaeyeon was putting on her burn wounds. The others quietly murmur in agreement.

"The files from campus..." Sakura says suddenly.

"What about them, unnie?" Wonyoung asks.

"Do you remember what they reported was stolen? Training logs and reports on every student on campus." She replies. That info hangs in the air for a couple seconds as the group digests it.

"Wait, you mean to say they really do all our weaknesses and patterns?" Chaeyeon asks to which Sakura sadly nods.

"It's worse than that though. Because they have all those files, they have the knowledge to defeat and capture almost everyone who was in the system and test on them too..."

"We have to find that data and destroy it then. You sure you didn't see them on the main computer you were on? Actually, did you manage to download anything before you were attacked?" Yujin queries.

"No, I assume they'll be at the laboratories since that's where all the testing is done. It's probably on an isolated laptop or USB since I didn't sense it on the main network. As for the original data we came here for, I did manage to get a few files. I don't think it's enough though. I'll need to go back in."

"But what about that virus or whatever that attacked you while you were inside the machine? Won't it still be there?" Chaeyeon interjects.

"That's a bridge I'll have to burn when we get to it." She replies calmly before continuing.

"For now, we have to make another plan. If my theory is correct, you won't need me to get rid of the stolen files. Just plug this into whatever console you see in the labs." At this, she hands over a device that looked like a regular USB to Yujin.

"What does it do?"

"It's a little virus I programmed back when we infiltrated the HKT building before that I thought could come in handy eventually. It should delete all the files in whatever network it's connected to." The tech girl says with a smirk.

"Why are you giving it to me though?" Yujin asks. Normally this would be something that would be given to Chaeyeon.

"Because Chaeyeon's coming with me when we head back to the main room. The rest of you will go to the labs." The others look at the older girl dumbfounded at that statement.

"Wait a minute, we're splitting up again? After what just happened?" Wonyoung asks nervously.

"It might spread their forces out a bit. Chaeyeon and I can distract them from you girls. Besides, the labs are where Eunbi-unnie and the others are at, so you'll be fine."

"It's not us I'm worried about, unnie. It's you two." The youngest girl says.

"Trust us. We'll find a way. We don't exactly have much time either." Chaeyeon says.

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