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Y/n's Pov

I woke up to my alarm clock. Screaming at me to get up.

Beep! Beep! Beep!

I groaned and slightly opened my eyes adjusting to the light. The sun peeked through my curtain as I realised the day was ahead. Another day. Another useless day.

I slammed my fist on the alarm clock and heard a small crack. I darted up fearing I had broken it and inspected the small invention oh so slightly.

I huffed a breath and ripped my covers off and swung my legs off of the bed. I stared at my wall for a couple of minutes thinking about everything. Work. Parents. Friends. Work. A love life. Parents. Parents.

I mentally slapped myself and groggily stood up. I slowly waddled over to my bathroom and chucked the towel heater on. I turned on the shower and got out of my pj's. I put one foot in the shower. Then the other until my whole body was in.

I then leaned against the wall and thought. I'll be a while.

Trevor's Pov

"Of course this place is built on a fault line," Callie sighed. The house was mid earth quake and apparently all the earthquakes here were pretty serious.

Lucky for us. We have to live in this shitbox for a week or two. Lucky me. It's a huge farm surrounded by fields with a bunch of cars and dirt written down the side of the farm.

I snapped out of my thoughts and made myself listen to Callie and Phoebe's conversation.

"Probably just fracking," Pheobe bluntly spoke. I was half listening as I started inspecting the houses living room.

There was dinged up wicker furniture scattered across the room. One couch had claw marks down the sides and had massive holes in the back. A shiver went down my spine thinking about what could be happened there.

"It's okay, at least we're only here for a week," I sighed.

"Uhm.. Give or take," Callie panted. What the hell? No way.  I thought to myself.

I curiously looked at Callie. "What's that supposed to mean?" A silence fell between us.

"It means we're staying," No shit no not gonna happen no.

"You said we were only gonna be here for a week!" I exclaimed.

"Yeah, well, that was before we got evicted," Callie said in a 'duh' voice.

"You said you had money saved up!" I yelled still under the table. I stared at her in disbelief as she got out from under the table.

"That was before I had children!" Callie started to walk around leaving the current conversation.

While rolling my eyes I attempted to get out from under the table, hitting my h3ad in the process. "Ow," I whined.

I looked around before my eyes landed on Phoebe. She was holding a small device with antenna things on the sides. "What's that," I asked looking at it curiously.

"How am I supposed to know?" She stated while inspecting the small gadget.

I tried to grab it off of her but she just held it back and shoved me away. I rolled my eyes again before sitting on the arm of the chair leaving I've there shoulder looking at what she was doing.

Shortly after a lady walked in. I had never seen her before and I doubt Pheobe had.

"Can I help you?" She asked.

She looked over to us while we sat on the small chair.

"Hi," she said.

"Hi?" Me and Pheobe answered curiosity covering our features.

The lady walked inside and headed to Callie and started a hushed conversation. I stared at them for aoment before nudging Phoebe who still had the device in her hand.

"Who's that?" I whispered loud enough for her to hear. "How the hell am I supposed to know?" She grumbled before walking off. I groaned and got up searching the other side of the living room.

This. Is going. To suck.

Ghosted Feelings • Trevor Spengler x Reader (Discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now