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Y/n's pov

(Abuse, blood & alcohol warning skip if you aren't comfortable I will do bold text when you can start reading again)

Mum and dad hadn't handled me coming home late well...

As soon as I opened the door a whiskey glass was thrown and just nearly missed my face.

They were screaming cuss words at me and my dad got off the couch. He walked over to me and screamed

"WHERE WERE YOU?!" I flinched. "WHERE. WERE. YOU?!" He slapped me causing tears to stream down my face.

"You useless good for nothing child!" My mother screamed at me. She threw another wine glass at me that hit me in the arm which caused it to shatter on the floor.

Cuts cascaded my arm and blood trickled. Tears flooded down my face while I ran up to my room. My parents swearing after me.

(You can start reading again now :)

It was mine and Trevor's day off today. I'd planned to go see him, because we obviously couldn't go to my house.

I took a shower trying to clean my wounds and hide the mark on my face as well as I could. I dressed in (whatever tf you want I can't be bothered putting pictures).

I rushed out the door avoiding my parents. My arm ached from the night before.

Hopping on my bike I took one last look at the house. I need to leave this shitbox.

•Time Skip to Trevor's house•

I had parked my bike and leaned it against the fencing on the porch. I was about to knock on the door when I heard a bang.

"Aw you piece of shit!" I could recognize that voice anywhere. "Trevor?" I called.

A figure walked out of a shed. "Oh hey Y/n you're a bit early,"
"Sorry about that," I looked down at my feet. "Don't be sorry it's nice to see you," he smiled

He looked at my face and his expression changed from happy to worried.

"Mhm?" I looked away worried.
"Why is there a red mark on your face?" He walked closer to me. We were centimetres apart.

"It's nothing, really,"
"Y/n I can tell you're lying," Tears filled my eyes and I hugged Trevor.

At first he was surprised but then he hugged back. I cried into the crook of his neck.

"My... Parents," I managed to getout in between sobs. "Oh Y/n..." He whispered.

We stayed like this for a couple of minutes. He then cupped my cheek. "How about we go for a little joyride to get your mind off things,"

My cheeks heated up. I think he realised because he then yelled "Not like that!" While blushing. I giggled then agreed.

We walked into the shed and he showed me a car. It looked old but clean.

"Ghostbusters," I whispered. I vaguely remembered a history lesson about them.

Trevor was already in the car. "Hop in!" He called. I went to the passenger and put on my seat belt.

"You do know how to drive... Right?" I asked worried. "Yes," he hesitated. "100 percent sure?" I asked. No answer. "Trevor,"
"Definitely sure," he looked at me with a reasurring smile.

He turned the key in the ignition. The engine sputtered but nothing happened. "Come on you can do this," he said.

He turned the key once again, and the engine sputtered once more. "Come on darling," he whispered. I smiled at that. The ignition clicked and the engine started up.

We looked at each other and shared a smile. "Yes!" Trevor hit the space in front of the windshield.

The bonnet slammed shut from Trevor hitting the car so hard. I giggled and he smiled. He stepped on the accelerator and the car lurched forward.

The car started going faster and the radio turned on. The speedometer went up and up. "Trevor..." I said. He started doing donuts in the field while making the car go faster.

"TREVOR!!" I yelled. He still went faster "TREVOR YOU LITTLE-" A massive dirt pile came into sight. Trevor hit it and the car soared into the air.

"SHIT!" We both screamed. The car landed on the road. "TREVOR WHAT THE FUCK?!" I screamed. He's just looked at me and smiled.

The breaks squealed as we came to a stop. A girl and a boy were walking on the side of the road. They stopped as they saw us.

"Hey, " Trevor said to the girl.
"Hey," she replied. "This is Podcast," she gestures to the boy. "He's.. He's my friend,"
"You have a friend?" Trevor asked. I hid a smile. "You have a car?"
"And a girlfriend?" Podcast added. We both blushed at that comment. "Not girlfriend," I said. "Yet," I added and winked.

Trevor started blushing and I giggled. "Okay okay we get it you two are in love," I started a sentence but podcast cut me off. "Anyway we need a ride," he looked at Trevor.

"Can you drive?"
"He can't," The girl added. "He failed his drivers test three times," My mouth dropped and I looked at Trevor.

He stared at me with a sheepish look on his face. "Oops," he said. I blinked at him.

The girl and podcast crawled into the back and was about to introduce my self.

The girl stuck her hand out. "Pheobe," she smiled. "Y/n," I replied

(Sorry had to cut this short wanted to get a chapter out but don't have any more time. Hope you enjoyed!!)

923 words

Ghosted Feelings • Trevor Spengler x Reader (Discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now