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I'm not going with the storyline entirerly now so :)

Y/n's Pov

The car sped off into the streets swerving at corners leaving marks on the road.

"OMG TREVOR SLOWW DOWN!" I screamed. He didn't reply keeping his eyes on the road.

Phoebe was currently busy blasting the ghost destroying half the property in sight. She looked extremely focused while both Podcast and Trevor had their eyes on the road.

I sunk down in my seat slowly while holding the handle above the window. "You good Y/n?" Trevor quickly said taking glances at me.

"Dandy," I replied under my breath. The car took a violent swerve and I hit my head on the door. "Ow," I yelled out sarcastically. "Sorry!" Trevor replied.

The car was suddenly going down a dirt road towards the mountains Trevor and I were at yesterday. "Now!" Trevor yelled and Podcast pressed a button on his controller.

A small remote control car sped out from under the car. Phoebe stared at the ghost intently and blasted her proton pack again. This time she hit the ghost and it let out a cry.

The blast wrapped around it as the ghost cried out in pain. "Whatever you're doing, you've got to do it now!" Trevor yelled. I looked over to Podcast and he slammed the button on his controller repeatedly.

Trevor quickly slammed the breaks on the car and everyone lurched forward.

Phoebe suddenly stopped the beam and we all looked up at the ghost. "Where did it go?" I asked stepping out of the car. Trevor looked at me excitedly as him and Podcast rushed out the door.

Phoebe had already rushed to the trap and was looking at it smiling. "Oh. My. Gosh." Podcast gasped.

Trevor looked at me and smiled. He ran over to me and enveloped me into a hug. Podcast and Phoebe were doing a victory dance in front of the trap.

Trevor pulled away from the hug and looked at me in the eyes. He looked down at my lips and pulled my in closer. He pulled me in and smashed his lips against mine.

"Ewwwww," Podcast said while Phoebe grimaced. I smiled against him and pulled away giggling.

"Gross," Pheobe said obviously not focusing on us. "Yeah," Trevor whispered. "Totally gross," he said smiling.

Around 15 minutes later.

We were all sitting in the car talking about the ghost we had just caught. Suddenly there were blaring sirens and blue and red lights flashing around us.

"Ah sh1t," Trevor said resting his head on the wheel. My eyes widened. Cops. Parents. What's gonna happen to me?

Sorry I haven't been updating! Like at all lmao. I just want to say thank you so much for 2k+ views! When I started this book I thought it was gonna flop- Tysm! Stay safe everyone! <3

476 words

Ghosted Feelings • Trevor Spengler x Reader (Discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now