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Y/n's Pov

"Hey! Where's my order?" I poked my head through the window and asked one of my coworkers. Caleb stood there looking at my annoyed.

"Chill out it's nearly there," he snarked rolling his eyes.

"You said that 10 minutes ago," I spoke sarcastically. A few of my coworkers giggles at my remark.

"Here you go Y/n, 3 fries 3 burgers and 3 drinks," Caleb sarcastically smiled at me.

"Why thank you sir," He gave me another glare and Lucky giggled.

I rolled my eyes and skated away to the car my order was for. It was a grey Volvo with 2 kids and a woman. The boy looked around my age. They must be new in town.

"Hello ladies and gentlemen here is your order for today, 3 fries, 3 burgers and 3 drinks!"

"Thank you," The lady said and took the food. The girl in the back smiled at me. I've never seen these people before. They must be new in town.

The boy looked pretty cute. With his curly black hair and the freckles that lined his face. He was staring at me and we made eye contact for a second. A blush spread across my face as I said goodbye.

I smiled to myself and skated back into the store. I got into my locker and replaced my skates with my shoes.


always loved these skates. I look at them and remember when I first got to use them and how happy I was.

I then walked home and got into bed. Preparing for the next day.


I walked over to the front counter and turned to my coworkers with my skates in hand. Ready for another day. Barely.

"The meats bad the meats-! Ooooohhhhh!" They broke into a fitof laughter while I rolled my eyes and turned away.

"Cool place," My eyes landed on the boy from yesterday.

"It's not mine," I replied. He was looking at me with a small blush that made me giggle.

"Yeah I could tell, you look pretty young to own a business," He replied. I nodded and stared at him awkwardly. He was trying to flirt with me and it was quite cute honestly.

I started to walk away, he's cute but not good at conversations. "I saw the hiring sign out front. 'Help Wanted'?" He said smiling shyly. He slid his application forward.

I picked it up and turned it around to face me. "I-I can be helpful?" It sounded more like a question then an answer.

I looked back down at his paper and giggled. "Under experience, you put 'friendly' with a smiley face?" I smirked at him holding in a laugh.

"I didn't really know what to put," He answered with a nervous face.

"Not 100 percent sure friendly is an experience," I smiled back at him. He's adorable.

"How old are you?" 15 - 17 is my perfect age range. I mean job application of course.

I looked at his application and saw that his name was Trevor. Trevor Spengler.

I had turned around and grabbed another order from the slot. I put the tray on the bench and bent down putting on my skates.

"Seventeen," He paused. "Think you can put in a good word for me?"

I giggled and replied, "I can't tell them you have a good pulse," I stood up and looked at him while I picked up the tray and started skating away.

"My names Trevor!" He called out after me. "Y/n!" I yelled back smiling. I could faintly hear the boys teasing him as I left.

I rolled my eyes and gave the order to Lucky. "Saw you talking to that new guy," She winked. "He's definitely your type," she called while skating to another car. I laughed and skated away. Thinking about Trevor all day.

Ghosted Feelings • Trevor Spengler x Reader (Discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now