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Trevor's pov

I got stuck with these weird kinda vents today. I've been shifting from vent to vent, cleaning dirt from them. All day.

Worst part of this job 100 percent.

While I was cleaning the one of them, I saw the girl walking towards me. "I never got the chance to tell you my name," She smiled.

"Yeah I was thinking about that," I nervously chuckled.

"I'm Y/n, Y/n Y/l/n,"

I smiled "What a beautiful name," it looked like a small blush crept over her face. I was probably just imagining things.

"I uh," She cleared her throat. "We're going to the mountains," She started walking away. "You coming?" A surprised look came over my face.

I ran to the lockers and chucked my apron and my hat off. I saw Y/n waiting at the door for me, and admired her beauty.

Her y/e/c eyes sparkled in the light and her beautiful y/h/c hair flowed in the wind. She was truly beautiful.

"Trevor! Come on let's go!" She walked out the door and I followed.

Y/n helped me up into the truck and I sat in between her and someone they call Caleb.

I sat silent the whole ride because they were talking about all their fun times I wasn't apart of.

"I'm putting on music losers!" Someone shouted from the front. A song that I didn't recognize came on the radio

~I once had a life or rather life had me~

~ I was one among many ~

~ Or at least I seemed to be ~

~ Well, I read an old quotation ~

~ In a book yesterday ~

~ Said 'Gonna reap just what you sow' ~

~ The debts you make you have to pay ~

Soon enough we were at the mountains. The view was amazing.

I hopped out of the truck and soon enough everyone was out.

Except for Y/n. I put out a hand to help her out. She hesitantly took it and jumped out of the truck. "Come on!" She giggled.

She ran over to a lift that hung over a mine shaft. She jumped onto it and sat down, which made it move a bit.

I stepped onto the lift and copied her actions. She looked at me and we both laughed. An awkward silence fell over us.

"Why did you invite me down here?" I asked breaking the silence.
"Entertainment value," She said. "Can you juggle?" I let out a chuckle.

A loud gunshot came from the town. I got a massive fright and jumped, Y/n just winced.

Everyone gave a small laugh. Someone said 'It's not funny' and that made me smile more.

"What are you doing here in Summerville anyway?" Y/n asked

I looked around and thought about for a second. "Honestly, my mum won't say it, but we're broke," I sighed.

"We got evicted, and the only thing that's left in our name is this creepy, old farmhouse our grandfather left us in the middle of nowhere," I finished taking a breath. "No offence!" I quickly added.

"None taken," I nervously smiled. "This place is a dump," Y/n hrew her arms up causing the lift to move.

T = Trevor
(Just in case anyone gets confused in this bit)

T = "Then why do you live here?"
Y = "I'm fourth generation dump so..."
T= "Oh... You think you'll ever leave?"
Y= ".... I mean if I don't what does that say about me?"
T= "You don't have a car,"

We both chuckled. All of a sudden, the lift started swinging followed by a deep roar from underneath us. "What the hell?" Y/n muttered.

The lift started swinging more violently as the noise became louder. Y/n scrambled off the lift and put out a hand to help me out.

I took it then jumped out and followed Y/n to a side of the shaft.

We looked down and saw an orange glow coming from the shaft.

A deep voice from the inside echoed out of the shaft. "Gozerrrrr," it seemed to say.

A light emerged from the shaft and blinded my eyesight for a second. When the light was nearly gone I saw it fly away into the sky. What. The. Hell?

Me and Y/n looked at each other then I looked down. So did she. Everybody started laughing while we pulled our hands away from one another blushing.

"Do you have any idea what that was? I asked her. She shook her head. " I doubt you know either so..."

Everybody started loading back up into the trucks both laughing and terrified. Me and Y/n kept sharing worried looks.

What in the world was that?

(Sorry for the long chapter and that it's only Trevor's pov)

779 words.

Ghosted Feelings • Trevor Spengler x Reader (Discontinued) Where stories live. Discover now