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Quick recap
The girl stuck her hand out. "Pheobe," she smiled. "Y/n," I replied

Y/N's pov
We had started the car and were driving towards the town.

The car was in an awkward silence until Trevor broke it.

"So, what the hell is going on?" He asked. I and him were both not up to date so that seemed necessary.

"In 1980s, New York City was attacked," Phoebe told us.

"We know the ghost stories," Trevor said with a sigh.
"The stories are real," Phoebe said bluntly.

Trevor and I shared a quick look. Worried expressions covered our faces.

"Yeah, and so were the guys who climbed a building and saved the world and fought back an invading army of the undead," Podcast blurted out.

"Not to mention the 100 foot marshmallow man," Pheobe chimed in. "Our Grandfather was Egon Spengler," she said. "He was a ghostbuster," she added.

The radio went from silent to static. A voice over it could just be heard.

"All units, we're getting reports of, well, some kind of animal taking a bite out of Steve Fletcher's truck. Apparently he took the whole tailgate off?"

The last sentence sounded more like a question than an answer. I turned to Pheobe and Podcast.

Before I turned they were both looking at each other in what looked like a trance.

"Muncher," The both said in unison. They both then looked at me. I stared at them with a confused look. "What?" I asked.

By the time we were in town Pheobe and Podcast had explained the whole Muncher thing to me.

Trevor was to focused on driving to listen at this point. We were slowly driving around town looking for something.

"What are we supposed to be looking for?" I asked.

"Evidence," Pheobe replied. A small silence fell over the car.

"Could you stop breathing in my ear?" Trevor asked Podcast. "No," He bluntly replied.

"You guys this is kind of stupid," I sighed.
"Yeah I agree with Y/n," Trevor and I both gazed at each other. I smiled and blushed, so did he.

I cleared my throat and pulled away my gaze. "Are you sure you didn't see, like, a raccoon or, like, a possum?" I asked hesitantly.

Not answering my question Pheobe suddenly exclaimed. "There!" There, there was a blue light coming from that seemed to he in form of a.... Grub?

It was munching on a (I forgot the name I'm so sorry) a red fire canister thing. "Is that a...?"

"Free-floating metal muncher," Podcast whispered. "So, uh, what do we do?" Trevor asked panicking.

"Let's get him," Podcast whispered. "Ok, dude what is up with the whispering?" I asked.

"I just thought it set the tone a little bit," he replied. "Hm," I shrugged my shoulders. "Anyway problem at hand," Trevor said looking at both me and Podcast.

"Trevor we need to get going or he's gonna get away!" Pheobe yelled.

"Ok yeah give me and him a second. I need to snap a quick photo," Podcast leaned forward in his seat and seemed to have pushed a lever because Pheobe lurched forward in her seat.

A mechanical arm seemed to be under her seat that pushed her out of the car. She was now a metre or 2 to the side looking absolutely amazed.

"This thing has a gunner seat?!" Podcast yelled. The muncher suddenly stopped what it was doing. He stared at us right in the eyes. "ROARRRR!"

The monster then started flying towards us but was cut off but a blast of water. It flew to the right. Pheobes 'proton' pack powered up.

"Go go go!" Podcast yelled then Trevor revved the engine and the car sped off.

I'M SO SORRY I HAVE TO END THIS HERE. This is such a shit chapter omg 😭

641 words

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