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Have you ever wondered what it'd be like to be the only dude in your family?

Well, don't!

I've got four older sisters which I gotta say is a lot of work-I mean the constant yelling, boy trouble, mood swings and BTS obsessions that I've been through my whole life....I deserve an award!

Don't even get me started on Mom and Dad and then school...

No way!

I forgot about school!

Muttering a quick prayer, I jump off my bed to get a clearer view of my alarm clock.

I steal a glance at the screen,then find myself looking at it again 'cause the first time I wasn't paying attention.

2:54? Nooo way!!

That's not possible,the last time I checked it was, 5:34am, there's no way my alarm clock went three hours backward on its own except.....


Chelsea Ngozi Chidi, my annoying older sister. She's the prank-queen.....every family has one. That one sibling who would do anything to laugh at your misery-that's her!

From the clear signs of daybreak outside my window, I can tell its probably around 6. That's not good.

I need to get ready for school, I'm Team captain and I can't be late.

I leave my room and run towards the bathroom on the far end of the corridor.

As I get there, I'm not so surprised to meet it locked from inside.

Just great.

I knock on the door and a frustrated sigh surfaces from behind it, "Who is that?"

I'd recognize that voice anywhere- Jessica Adaeze Chidi, another older sister of mine, just less annoying.

"Are you bathing?" I ask then mentally kick myself for asking such an obvious question.

Sarcastic response in:




"No, I'm in a meeting with Buhari" She hisses.

"Whatever" I say as I head for the downstairs bathroom. Thank goodness for that. I can't afford to be late today, nothing is going to-

What the...?

The bathroom door is locked...also from the inside. The sound of rushing water confirms my suspicions that someone is in there.

"Chelsea,is that you?" I mutter while jabbing at the doorknob.

"If you open this door, I'll kill you!"


"Calm down Iris, I just wanted to know if the door was jammed or something" I say.

The Perfect-ish BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now